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Odd and unusual fish you find in your local fish store

No idea what sp this is but his name is tiny. Got dropped off at Pier aquatics recently and they are currently looking for a forever home for it. Probably 2 ~3 ft long.

Probably not odd or unusual but went to MA Farnham last week (not my local but I've found this store to be one of the better MAs about) and they had a group of Nannoptopoma sp. 'Peru

I've always been amazed by these little loricariidae and the markings/colours really pop if you can establish them and keep up with the demands of their diet

One of mine from a few years ago
Hi all,
Probably not odd or unusual but went to MA Farnham last week (not my local but I've found this store to be one of the better MAs about) and they had a group of Nannoptopoma sp. 'Peru
Definitely odd, I would have bought them, partially because they probably have limited life expectancy in the shop.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

Definitely odd, I would have bought them, partially because they probably have limited life expectancy in the shop.

cheers Darrel
I was very tempted...

They looked healthy and had been in since Jan this year however I completely agree with you in that once they've come in you really want to get them as soon as possible
Hi all,

I have to ask, how much are they?

Then I'd definitely buy them, if I could afford them.

cheers Darrel
I was in there last Monday and believe there was roughly 6 or 7 left... £19.50 each or 2 for £36 (if memory serves)

Healthy but I do remember thinking 1 or 2 were possibly on the slim side which is never a good sign
Pier Aquatics have the rare L280
Micracanthicus vandragti, (I believe it doesnt grow bigger than 5cm), only selling in pairs. If interested be quick they only had a limited number and im seriously considering getting some so there might be even less left😅
Hi all,
@dw1305 did you decide to give the Nannoptopoma a go?
I didn't. I wouldn't actually buy fish that needed to be delivered by courier, I'm not sure it is fair on the fish.

I may, at some point, go back to keeping some small "difficult" loricariids, but it would be reliant on seeing them first and judging their condition etc.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

I didn't. I wouldn't actually buy fish that needed to be delivered by courier, I'm not sure it is fair on the fish.

I may, at some point, go back to keeping some small "difficult" loricariids, but it would be reliant on seeing them first and judging their condition etc.

cheers Darrel
I couldn't resist any longer...

Wish me luck!
How are you getting on with these @PremierFantasy88 ?

I also couldnt resist and got some Parotocinclus Eppleyi
Mine have settled in, are eating well and look decent size wise so all in all I can't complain

I've not seen them in person but that's a very cool looking fish. What setup are they going in to?

Hope you have some luck with them

What was the damage?
Mine have settled in, are eating well and look decent size wise so all in all I can't complain

I've not seen them in person but that's a very cool looking fish. What setup are they going in to?

Hope you have some luck with them

What was the damage?
Good to hear they are doing well :)

They look great even better in the tank. Very unusual and it was the first time I saw them myself. I've put 6 of them in a 100litre tank with sand, wood and some cattapa leaves/botanicals with lots of biofilm already established. I have 2 Parotocinclus Spilisoma in there which are doing good. The Eppleyi seem to be doing well also. Will try take some tank pictures if youre interested in seeing more of them.

Damage wasnt bad at all I picked them up for £6 each, for me considering they are hard to come by I think that was a bargain.

I really should start a journal on the set up but life gets in the way, have attached a picture.


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They look great even better in the tank. Very unusual and it was the first time I saw them myself. I've put 6 of them in a 100litre tank with sand, wood and some cattapa leaves/botanicals with lots of biofilm already established. I have 2 Parotocinclus Spilisoma in there which are doing good. The Eppleyi seem to be doing well also. Will try take some tank pictures if youre interested in seeing more of them.
Would definitely be interested in seeing more of them once they've settled 👍
Damage wasnt bad at all I picked them up for £6 each, for me considering they are hard to come by I think that was a bargain
£6.... that's an absolute steal