That turn the inside really helps allowing you to clean the pipes without removing them just remember to turn it back
The pipes will not fit onto the head if they are not in the correct position!.....😉That turn the inside really helps allowing you to clean the pipes without removing them just remember to turn it back
The thinking behind more mechanical filtration media, than biological, is that a lot of the role of the microbes within the tank will be taken on by the plants. It is true that plants will mop up all forms of <"fixed nitrogen"> and <"provide a larger area where microbial nitrification will occur">.Saw this vid but i'm not too sure if its required go that far.......... Does a planted tank require more mechanical media than bio?
No, you are good. Filters, and particularly filter media, have their own mythology and it is really difficult to sort out the good, from the bad and the ugly. A lot of companies are very keen on making all sorts of claims for their "premier media" <"without any scientific back-up">.Thank you Darrel very helpful
I agree with Darrel.Once you know that then all the discussion about the relative merits of Biohome etc. become a bit like re-arranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic.