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New pheonix 60x30x30 scape.

TBH garuf, any would work. it's been said before your going to lose the wood,and if you dont, the planting will change the overall look anyway.

foe example....this....


ended up like this.


don't think about the wood too much mate. i think getting depth or the sense of depth will be much more important. in the most recent image you've got, the wood seems to close to the glass, which will result in a little loss of depth. but hey, i'm a noob so what do i know 8) i cant even get a sanzon iwagumi right....apparently :lol:
Arran, is number one the very first picture I posted?
I quite like that #2 mate, have you tried mounding the substrate at all? You could do like I was thinking about doing recently, mound it up, have your wood in the middle similar to how it is now, and rocks around the base. That way the rocks will hopefully stand out more and you get some height into the scape.
Thanks Steve, for me scape two is simply too complex, yes it's nice but it leaves a lot of dead space and hard to plant areas.
Saintly, I'd missed your post, that tank was actually part of my inspiration, I'd have liked some bulkier wood but I'm making do with what I have.

Here's how the tank looks today, I've reworked the rocks, mounded the substrate and reduced the foreground.
Critique away. 🙂
I might have to sell everything superman, you might get your wish!
Looks nice mate 🙂 Are you carpeting something at the front? If so, I'd be tempted to rake some of the substrate at the front backwards to lower the front 🙂

Hope you don't have to sell stuff mate 🙁
Quick change of plans. circumstances mean I'm going to be taking a break from the hobby in an active role. After an incident entirely of my own making I've left uni and I'm without reliable income and soon to be without home. All 3 of my tanks are stripped back to just the hardscapes, equipment dormant should I be forced to sell on. Fingers crossed everything will go fine and this is just a slippery stepping stone on the path to something better.
Bad news aside I've managed to find some norbet sabat (sp) style wood which I've cleaned back and will be having a play with to keep my mind of things I'm also actively on the hunt for more interesting stone than the usual grey.
Wow, big life changes.

I hope being homeless doesn't materialise, and that you find a new direction for yourself soon.

All the best, let us know how you're getting on, looking forward to when you're settled and can get a tank again!


I wish you all the best Gareth, lets hope it turns into a case of 'one door opens as another one closes' 🙂
Thank you all for the support, Still no news on the home front, keeping my mind of things I produced this.

Doable? Improvable?
I was thinking something norbet sabat style bolbitis stems, grass, very nature aquarium.
Critique away. 🙂
Different rocks, different wood, same basic Idea. Also my current favourite.
More stones and subtle tweaking.
This is by far my favourite and I can see in my minds eye it grown out.