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New Decade, New Decadence...

Walking passed the tanks tonight and randomly began pratting around with the 1200. Started finger picking the odd plant, then started ripping the fissidens moss off the wood wholesale, then tore out a load of ratty trident....

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Was only on the way to the fridge for a beer and ended up doing a proper finger pinching pruning session 😂

Have come to the conclusion in all that absent minded action that if the tank is to carry on with no focal point it needs an extra layer of planting to over shadow the lower growth to add some interest. Have no idea how this will end up growth wise, just a flight of fancy really. Often wonder if other members work like this, no real plan but more organically across time? Sometimes seems like everyone gets inspired by nature whilst bugalugs here gets inspired by his fourth beer...

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Above all else the inhabitants seem happy and the green neons schooling together over the scape like in the above photos really makes it a fun scape to watch.

The stems would look cool poking over the top of a mixture of ferns though with mini bolbitis attached to the front side of the wood on the left. That annoyingly straight piece of manzi pointing out almost horizontally from the trident would be better used with epiphytes on to give mid ground contrast and to break up the similar green shades.

This project has really been a scraps tank up to now. However, with a few adjustments it should come good. White sand will be going soon as finally running out of the stuff, more earthy tones instead with graded stone like in the 600. The Christmas moss on stones at the base on the right can be spread out as well to stretch the scape out.

White plants are battling on:

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Seems to like high light but we’ll see after a month of photon bombardment from the Solar RGB’s how they’re doing.

how is your Snow White anubia doing? Mine started melting after 3 days only! Haha
Hey @CooKieS hope you are well.

how is your Snow White anubia doing?

Everything at 1ft depth has melted, leaves, roots and rhizome.

A few specimens placed in heavy shade at 2ft are also melting at a decreased rate, but are on a downward trajectory.

The remainder are either at 2ft depth in full light placed centrally beneath the Solar RGB’s and hit with Co2 mist or placed breaching the surface on the tips of the wood. These particular plants haven’t shown signs of deterioration, but neither do they seem to be growing.
Hi all,
They want MOAR light and CO2.
Really chlorophyll deficient plants are always going to be problematic in terms of light (and CO2 acquisition), just because they lack chlorophyll. They are on a starvation diet and being bombarded by an excess of solar energy, that they can't easily dissipate.
These particular plants haven’t shown signs of deterioration, but neither do they seem to be growing.
My guess is that is quite promising, even under optimal conditions they are going to grow in proportion to how much chlorophyll they have.

cheers Darrel
My guess is that is quite promising, even under optimal conditions they are going to grow in proportion to how much chlorophyll they have.

Don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. This is most definitely a case of dead man walking 😂

Have always presumed when seeing white anubius in contest photo’s it’s been placed very recently prior to a final photo. It was worth shelling out just to see for myself. Give it another four weeks and doubt there will be anything left. However, could potentially work emersed longer term though.
One final shot:


Scape comes down tomorrow and starting another project.

It has been fun and a laugh sharing this one with you through lockdown so thanks for all the banter folks.

Looking forward to the next one!
Oooo the magic disappearing thread reappears!

Microsoft Paint crashed @Wookii 😂

Thats obviously not the final final shot though is it ummmm

Afraid so Jay, end of the line for the scraps tank. It’s an improvement over the propagator setup though hey 😂

That is awesome Geoff. It's always a shame but when it's time to move on...
Looking forward to see what you're about to do next, sure it'll be awesome too.

Cheers Tim. Better prepared this time round after two lockdowns so will pull my finger out. Been stocking up.

really loving that splash of red coming from the ludwigia !

Bit of a contrast hey @CooKieS 😂 Will aim to be a bit more subtle on the next one. Loving your scapes FYI
Awesome tank and really looking forward to your next project 🙂 Dont keep us waiting too long! 😉

Excited here too @Wolf6

The previous scape only happened thanks to @Siege donating his plants when everything was scarce during the lockdown, which I can’t thank him enough for. Top man and great friend, thank you Steve.

This time around better prepared.


I was committed to the idea of doing a couple of competition tanks, but if I’m honest I’m simply not competitive enough, nor skilled enough. Would just end up becoming filler and lose the ability to share on here, so putting that idea to bed. Kudos to everyone who does go for it and the experience of running through the process has delivered a much better appreciation for the commitment needed, it’s immense. There’s one extremely talented gentleman on here I’m especially rooting for 😉

Genuinely enjoy sharing these journals with all the ideas and banter, hopefully they’re helpful to some folks too. So not stopping. Will put the next scape together in the coming weeks and follow it up on this thread. More banter awaits...
Nice looking rock there @Geoffrey Rea - is that all black lava rock?

I’m definitely going with that in my next scape too after the issues I’ve experienced recently with Seiryu stone.
Genuinely enjoy sharing these journals with all the ideas and banter, hopefully they’re helpful to some folks too. So not stopping. Will put the next scape together in the coming weeks and follow it up on this thread. More banter awaits...

Definitely extremely helpful and inspirational, looking forward to what you do next.
Well with Frodo stone @Wookii , the textures really are pronounced due to its colour. It casts shadows along those fracture lines so it highlights its shape really well.

Black lava, being black, hides its shape and texture. You mainly only get an outline and miss out on its finer details. On the other hand if you stack it together you can create large features out of multiple rocks that look like one huge piece. It’s also brilliant for attaching plants to and gives great adherence because of its porous quality.