More wood...

Not sure if this is an improvement or not. Left some gaps between rocks at substrate level at startup for this scenario in case any particular pieces in AG caught the eye and could be retrofitted, but found some manzanita in the garage that had been forgot about so popped them in instead.
One thing that is a certainty is some of the fissidens on the wood just looks wrong running full length, could skim off the moss from the tips of the branches so it doesn’t look so odd. Trimming moss is a personal pet hate so the less the better. Waiting for the Christmas moss to sprawl out onto the sand to soften the base before making any changes moss wise though.

Also considering letting some of the MC sprawl out onto the sand to further the transition into the sand. Probably all jobs for next month.

Not sure if this is an improvement or not. Left some gaps between rocks at substrate level at startup for this scenario in case any particular pieces in AG caught the eye and could be retrofitted, but found some manzanita in the garage that had been forgot about so popped them in instead.
One thing that is a certainty is some of the fissidens on the wood just looks wrong running full length, could skim off the moss from the tips of the branches so it doesn’t look so odd. Trimming moss is a personal pet hate so the less the better. Waiting for the Christmas moss to sprawl out onto the sand to soften the base before making any changes moss wise though.

Also considering letting some of the MC sprawl out onto the sand to further the transition into the sand. Probably all jobs for next month.