Many thanks 🙂fandango said:Beautiful tanks! Looks like your wonderful shrimp are having a nice life there!
Many thanks João 🙂 they are tripeiros in disguise! 😉JoãoLopes said:Awesome!! A great combination with moss/rock/anubia petite on the right side! your shrimp seems like a SLB supporters!![]()
Off course it means a lot 😉 and thanks, one more trophy in the bag 🙂 Porto Porto Olé Porto Porto Olé!!JoãoLopes said:Off-topic: Congratulations for the championship, i guess your dragoon on avatar means something! 😉
Thanks Ady, its getting there, a lot of neglect on all my tanks at the moment, you don't want to see the others lol the plant at the top is indeed bolbitis, its been in the tank since the start but only recently has taken off, I gave it a little more room to grow and it liked that, before was hidden behind the rock.Ady34 said:Hi Paulo,
still looking great, and the right tank has certainly matured with the moss in particular looking very natural.
In the left hand tank what is the fern at the rear (submerged), is it a type of bolbitis?
Many thanks 🙂 I did dose TPN+ a couple months back to see the effect but I got algea instead so I stopped dosing it again, since then things are recovering, these tanks don't need any ferts lolschruz said:Amaazing tanks! Good job an making low-techs look like high-techs.
Cheers 🙂 So nice of you to offer some free shrimp for me to house, think they are too small and unstable for anything other than cherries lolPiece-of-fish said:Such nice tanks need some more fancy shrimp in them 😀
Many thanks, these are 12 liter tanks and there is on heater, the one on the left has a 300lph hob filter the one on the right is only 200lph (the 300lph broke which might have to replace soon, does need the 300lph).malawistu said:Amazing looking tanks I'm just in the planing stage of a 30l shrimp tank was thinking about having something growing out at the back but dont know what yet are these tanks heated at all and what volume are they
Many thanks, the tanks are 30cm wide, 25cm deep and 20cm high, 12 litres if not mistaken.skankypup said:i like your new tank alot, nice and bright with a feeling of space,what are the tank dimensions? great work.all the best ,skankypup. 😀
Thanks Rob, glad your enjoyed the tanks, these are the ultimate low tech, no ferts, no co2, prune once every 2-3 months and water changes every 2 months lol I usually just top up the 2 litres that evaporate every week.pariahrob said:Great journal. I'm planning a shrimp only tank and this is great food for thought and inspiration. Love the ferns!
LondonDragon said:
sr20det said:Amazing tanks Dragon, inspiring. Quick query, how many litres are they? I just got a 14 ltr, and planned crypts, java fern and some mosses. Again, same wanted a easy low tech tank for shrimp. Noticed a minimal layer of sand, so assume nothing is planted, and all attached plants?
Do you keep heaters in each? and if not what's your room temp at a guess? Are the shrimp happy at this temp?
Well done mate, looks awesome.
Thanks 🙂 got some really nice reds on Friday from Freshwatershrimp that are stunning 😉Ady34 said:Lush, those shrimp look awesome highlighted against the greens!
Many thanks 🙂 not yet, I still haven't got around to send a sample to Darrell, must get that sorted soon!Alastair said:These are gorgeous paulo. Very nice. Did you manage to find out what the name of your filter fern is
Many thanks, those are 11w units purchased at a local LFS, the £12 units from IKEA did the same job but these look much nicer, but at £40 a pop not the cheapest option.Antipofish said:Looks so vibrant and healthy Paulo ! Must be lovely having them to look at while you workWhat are the light units you are using ?
LondonDragon said:sr20det said:Amazing tanks Dragon, inspiring. Quick query, how many litres are they? I just got a 14 ltr, and planned crypts, java fern and some mosses. Again, same wanted a easy low tech tank for shrimp. Noticed a minimal layer of sand, so assume nothing is planted, and all attached plants?
Do you keep heaters in each? and if not what's your room temp at a guess? Are the shrimp happy at this temp?
Well done mate, looks awesome.
Many thanks 🙂 they are both 12 liters, just the sand, it slopes to the corners specially to the highest corner and the only thing that is planted is the crypts on the left hand tank everything else is attached to meshes/wood/rocks or wires.
There are no heaters in the tanks and the temps drop to around 18-20C in the winter, at the moment they are 23C. Shrimp are happier at lower temps anyway unless they are Sulawesi which need 27-30C.