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[NANO] Double Opti White - Cherry/Sakura/White Pearl Breeding Colony


21 Feb 2008
Hey guys,

Just an update of the opti nanos, the one on the left has been running for a while and has now matured, and the one on the right just recently setup and planted.

These were setup just to keep my cherries, the right tank will be to separate the nicest colours, that's the plan for now.

The existing Nano:




The new nano:


I have now placed them next to each other:





Detail of the fern in the filter:



How the nanos look in the study:


Thanks for looking 🙂
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

I love the ferns growing in the filter - do you have any other filter media in there? I see you have another light overhead - is that especially for the ferns? Could you let me know what they are? (Still getting to grips with my aquatic plant id :lol: )
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Very nice and healthy indeed. Lovely tanks. Did you have CO2 running on either or liquid carbon? Keep up the good work 🙂
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

sarahtermite said:
I love the ferns growing in the filter - do you have any other filter media in there? I see you have another light overhead - is that especially for the ferns? Could you let me know what they are? (Still getting to grips with my aquatic plant id :lol: )
There is only a coarse sponge that came with the filter, the fern root are now part of the sponge and can not be separated, I just rinse it in a bucket at water changes, I am not sure what the fern is, there was a discussion about it in another thread where I posted the tank, its was purchased at IKEA. The light overhead is indeed for the fern, since the light levels at low at the moment, in the summer I have it off.

NeilW said:
Very nice and healthy indeed. Lovely tanks. Did you have CO2 running on either or liquid carbon? Keep up the good work 🙂
Many thanks, there is no CO2 or liquid carbon dosed in the tanks, or any ferts, just water changes once a month or so. There is enough shrimp waste to keep the plants going, left tank consists of crypts, anubias petite, bolbits, moss and pellia; right tank mini fern, anubias petite, pellia, stringy moss and fissidens.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

LondonDragon said:
sarahtermite said:
I love the ferns growing in the filter - do you have any other filter media in there? I see you have another light overhead - is that especially for the ferns? Could you let me know what they are? (Still getting to grips with my aquatic plant id :lol: )
There is only a coarse sponge that came with the filter, the fern root are now part of the sponge and can not be separated, I just rinse it in a bucket at water changes, I am not sure what the fern is, there was a discussion about it in another thread where I posted the tank, its was purchased at IKEA. The light overhead is indeed for the fern, since the light levels at low at the moment, in the summer I have it off.

Ah, in that case it looks very much like Asplenium, possibly A. nidus. It's epiphytic, which is why it might not mind living in your filter!
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Love it, just decided to rip apart my nano now so i can (not) copy 😀
Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Nice tanks, it's great to see nicely aquascaped shrimp setups! Any shots of the cherries?
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

stuworrall said:
looking very nice paulo, that mini anubias looks great going down the slope. Are you still planning to get those rare shrimp for breeding?
Thanks Stu, if you mean those Sulawesi Blues they are the ones I already have, which I will have to start getting rid off soon, they have a slight blue tinge but they are not really blue, so not sure what to do with them at the moment, they are just something different lol Need to take some photos and post them to see if people will be interested in getting some from me.

Lewisr said:
Love it, just decided to rip apart my nano now so i can (not) copy 😀
Thanks 🙂 haha all you need is 3 rocks and some sand 😉

Sentral said:
Nice tanks, it's great to see nicely aquascaped shrimp setups! Any shots of the cherries?
Many thanks, I want to breed the shrimp but also have something decent to look at 😉 I will try and get some macros done.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

hart tongue fern i reckon. Looks fantastic in the filter 🙂
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Emyr said:
Are those 11Watt lights above the two nanos? Nice study, I would be distracted permanently though. 😀
Yes all the lights are 11w, and thanks, I do spend a lot of time in the study so the tanks do help 🙂

darren636 said:
hart tongue fern i reckon. Looks fantastic in the filter 🙂
Thanks, I wasn't sure how it would adapt in the filter but it took off nicely so I have left it since.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Emyr said:
Could you also tell me where you got these little opti-white nanos from Paulo? I am after one of this size for a good price.
They were from the time when Aqua Essentials did a very cheap batch of them, they cost like £14 (well one was a freebie from SteveUK, I did give him a bag of cherries, which then Dan put in his tank, long story lol). They don't do them anymore though.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

I blame you for inspiring me to start another tank... Which mosses have you got in both out of curiosity? They look nice and compact.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Paulo the nano's look great. What lights are you using over them ? If I had something like that in my study I would be more inclined to work !! lol. Esp love the right hand one, and the fern in the filter on the left is awesome. What a great idea. Don't tell IKEA, they will raise their prices if they think it has a "fancy" application !!
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

NeilW said:
I blame you for inspiring me to start another tank... Which mosses have you got in both out of curiosity? They look nice and compact.
That is the blame I always welcome, the more I get blamed for that the more it will encourage me to post more photos haha

There is stringy moss at the back of the tank on the right, fissidens, Monosolenium tenerum (pellia normal in the tank, also have the round pellia in another tank, the mini pellia did not survive), there is taiwan moss in there also, mini java fern (not sure the name, got it of Piece-o-Fish).

The pellia I have tends to grow that compact which I like, the previous pellia I had was more spaced and didn't look as attractive. Grows this compact in at least 3 tanks so I don't think is the tank conditions affecting growth.

As you can see not many species, I have lost most of my mosses along the way and haven't really bothered that much with mosses again, just one or two species is enough for me now.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Antipofish said:
Paulo the nano's look great. What lights are you using over them ? If I had something like that in my study I would be more inclined to work !! lol. Esp love the right hand one, and the fern in the filter on the left is awesome. What a great idea. Don't tell IKEA, they will raise their prices if they think it has a "fancy" application !!
The lights are just 11w, just acquired them recently, saw them at aquatics live and had to get myself a couple, I used the 11w IKEA lights (the ones with the long arm on top of the fern) before, they work great, just replaced the bulbs with daylight tones, the ones that come with it were too yellow, for £12 (the IKEA lights) they are well worth it.
Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

Beautiful tanks- both of them. And they contrast so nicely with each other!

Do you cull your shrimps to keep the colours so vivid? Also, do you have to introduce fresh stock to stop interbreeding?

I agree with Antipofish - I couldn't get any work done in a study like this 😀

Re: Double Opti White Nano - Cherry/Sakura Breeding Colony

fandango said:
Beautiful tanks- both of them. And they contrast so nicely with each other!
Do you cull your shrimps to keep the colours so vivid? Also, do you have to introduce fresh stock to stop interbreeding?
I agree with Antipofish - I couldn't get any work done in a study like this 😀
Thanks, the tank on the right was setup to separate the best cherries or sakura shrimp, I will have to start getting rid of some lower quality ones first, although there is a good chance offspring will be sakura. I am always adding shrimp when I see them for sale from various places, I have added at least 5 different gene pools to this lot.
I have no choice but to get the work done, otherwise I will not be able to have the tanks in the first place hehe 😉