Ian Holdich
That is all...
That is all...
Absolutely stunning pal. The light makes it looks so crisp and clean. Beautiful mate really worth the few zillion pennies.
How do you stop any reflection on the glass. Im seriously struggling with it and its ruining any photos I take or hd vids. Ive covered the lights with towels and allsorts
Stunning tank just have to get me one of them lights they look amazing
Epic mate, still looking stunning even after the issues.....back on it again now though, the futura is looking awesome!
Fantastic little video Iain... The light sure does show the colours off on the fish, tank looks awesome too.
That is all...
Simply amazing tank Ian lovely colour and them fish are stunning, so clean and crisp and love the music of the vid really goes well keep up good work,
Thanks Dean
All in all, this is likely not a very interesting post for most but i guess im kinda thinking out load here as i get my head around this disappointment
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I have BBA problems too, they started without obvious reasons and it's easy to get disheartened. Keep fighting!
Bummer mate 😡
Frustrating isnt the word but im sure youll be able to recover it. IME Crossochelius dont eat moss, i always have one in my tank and it doesnt bother with it. They may not eat existing tufts of bba, that will be manual removal, but they will prevent more growth as they munch the very beginnings i think
Gum shield in and prepare for round one.....
Ahhh no mate. Bad news sorry to hear that...... im sure youll manage to get on top of it. Too much hard works gone into this beauty.
Deep breath mate, follow George and do a few ooooomph pressups and try not to get disheartened mate.....
Much love 😉 fingers crossed.
Ps agree with ady when I kept siamensis they never bothered eatinf moss
Ahh this sucks but if it makes you feel any better I'm in the same boat. Working retail over the Christmas period was non stop!! Add a 6 month old beagle and it doesn't leave much time. So BBA ALL OVER! I have decided to persevere so that I can learn from my actions and hopefully save a few quid!!
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i understand Rob and no one would think you are wishing that on anyone. In the vain of mike (aka greenink) some of the best journals are the ones that tell a story beginning to end with all the drama inbetween.Don't get me wrong, I am not for one minute wishing bad luck at your expense and wishing this kind of thing on better scapers, but what will be even more helpful is seeing how you win the battle, as although you guys can get into trouble, you always seem to get out of it quickly, relatively unscathed and stronger than ever.
thanks brian, with a little luck ill get the tank back to a good place and get some more videos, perseverance.Sorry to hear of your plight mate, algae is an aquascapers nemisis but also makes us better aquascapers. On a happier note though, the video was stunning, what I wouldn't give to see my tank pearling away with decent flow and beautiful fish happy in their home. I'm off to rob the corner shop again, 10 more robberies until I can afford a Giesemann futura lol
hey tim, bba seems to be the only algae i seem to suffer with. I thought Barb Island had taught me enough to avoid it and on the whole i think it had, equipment error and ignorance this time round.Feel your pain Iain, I've been fighting bba in my 90 for a year on and off mostly due to the up and down hours as a chef and co2 issues, I'm loving my nanos at the mo can fit them in, even before or after a 16 hour shift . You know you can knock this back into shape mate, you had bba in barb island an look how that turned out, this is already another winner 🙂
thanks for the support, best to stick at it and learn something. BBA sucks though as even when you have fixed the problem it wont go away by itself.You just described the three letters of my middle name 😀 Hang in there. I'm sure you will beat it. I've been fighting BBA and GSA nonstop for about 4 months now. Many times I thought about just rescaping it, but figured its just gonna keep happening if I do. Learning process is more valuable than *anything* in this hobby.
Hey mike how are you? i had them once before and just remember they were massively greedy add grew grew really fast. Add with that how hard it is to catch them especially in a scape with a good amount of wood......Have put one tiny Siamese Algae Eater in my tank and BBA is much better after just 24 hours. Amazing. Why oh why did I not try this before!
trying mateSorry to hear this Iain and I hope you get it all sorted out!
cheers for the support martin 🙂Iain,sorry to here the bad news. lifestyles, work and everything else that we all juggle with,don't make this hobby easy sometimes and things like this certainly don't help either.You can and will beat this🙂
Re: Tonsers 200L Optiwhite
Well, its been a while 😳 Life has been getting in the way of aquatics in general, and journal updating in particular, but things are getting back on track now, so I thought I'd update this one 😀
Having been away for 5 weeks at the start of the year, the tank was rather neglected in terms on maintenance, with just the automated water changes taking place. A such it had got rather overgrown, the E Tennelus in particular had gone rampant ! Unfortunately the BBA has also gone rampant, so that is the main issue to resolve. We've been discussing it on my discus tank thread, as I have it in there too 🙄 . The BBA discussion is here:
320l Discus tank, becoming planted ! | UK Aquatic Plant Society
I did a quick trim on the stems, and pulled a load of E Tennelus runners out as soon as I got back from my trip, then this weekend I spent alot of time clearing things out. This was the tank before I started on Saturday morning...
and a close up of the disgusting gravel...
and the Flying Foxes which have been drafted in to devour the BBA...
and by Sunday evening, this was the tank. I've removed all the crypt parva and e ennelus leaves with BBA on, aswell as some of the mosses with it. I vacummed all of the Aquasail whihc had drifted out onto the sand, and removed most of the graded gravels which seemed particularly prone to BBA. I also trimmed the stems back a bit, and added some more peacock moss on the main branch - this stuff grows really nicely in this tank 😀
The BBA on the redmoor branches is really tough to remove - I plucked it and that worked abit. I shaved it with an old razor and that worked on the smoother branches, and I dosed it with Excel which should help, but there are alot of cherry shrimp in there so I dont want to overdose it too much.
I'm going to perservere with the Excel on the BBA everyday. I might still try a blackout too. In terms of stopping the BBA coming back, I've upped the CO2 a little so the DC is on the yellow side of limey coloured, and I've added a couple of Koralias too to make sure the flow is good.
Updates more regularly from now on, I promise !
Re: Tonys 'Peacocks Crypt' - 200L
A long overdue update (again ! ) 🙂
The mosses had all outgrown their holdings and were floating up off the roots, so they have all come out for now. I'm growing some new stuff, but I'm quite liking the 'lighter' look of the tank right now so may not use it in here.
The Balansae has done really well ( it had good provenence being from Graemes 'Bones of the Earth' 8) ), and has taken over as the focal point in the tank. I love this plant as it moves around so much in the flow, so the tank is always changing. The Bolbitis is doing OK, but grows incredibly slowly in here so when theres an algae attack (theres a bit of BBA in there right now (again)) the leaves suffer.
Anyhows a couple of pics from this morning. I may be stripping this down soon as I have a new cabinet arriving for it, and will have a new light to hang above it too 8) , but I'll be sad to see it go 🙁 But excited to do something new 🙂