Hi H, Keep them coming 🙂
Is that an Otocinclus? That is really interesting. I'd never realised that their teeth are both single crown and in a V (like Panaque/Panaqolus) which are xylophagous (dead wood feeders) .
I think it is the moss beginning to form spore capsules (like those below).Fontinalis antipyretica (the same plant as in the very first picturets), but there is something algea looking in top of allmost every new stem of this moss. This has been going on for some few weeks now, and does not want to get off by it self, maybe i have to cut off and vaccum it away. Could it be an cyano?
You get Fontinalis antipyretica in a zone on the rocks in Irish turloughs, but I can't remember if it then produces spores. In fact I'm not sure I've ever seen capsules on Fontinalis.As far as i know Fontanilis sp. is aquatic moss that only rarely grows emersed, it can for very short time or for longer realy near to the water surface in the splash zone.
Not sure then, as soon as I saw the picture I thought they could be spore capsules forming, and then when I found the Fontinalis capsule picture I thought "that is it".But i really dont think it is spores.