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My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Hi, i love the look of your tank and for a first time effort i think you have done a great job well done,regards john.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks guys 🙂 I have some plans for the next month of so, some changes to the left hand side and something new with the moss wall, hopefully that will work and complete the setup.
Superman the glosso did take about 4 weeks to start growing properly, not sure why it took that long since it came from a forum member that had it growing very well. I will need to replant mine soon, its getting too thick and is starting to grow upwards. will give me the oportunity to get rid of the HC which didn't really take off.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Few people have been asking what plant is this and that so I decided to create a diagram:

Original Photo:


1. Rotala sp. ''Nanjenshan'' (Mayaca) ?? not sure about this one
2. Bacopa monnieri
3. Anubias barteri var. nana
4. Limnophila sessiliflora
5. Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba''
6. Ludwigia repens 'Rubin'
7. Blyxa Japonica
8. Vesicularia ferriei (Weeping Moss)
9. Glossostigma elatinoides
10. Cryptocoryne undulata
11. Taxiphyllum sp. (Spiky Moss)
12. Nymphaea lotus (Green version)

These two cannot be seen on photo:
13. Cryptocoryne parva (growing in the middle of the Ludwigia repens)
14. Riccia sp. 'Dwarf' (growing at the top back floating for a test)
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

beeky said:
Do you find you get lots of hair roots with the L."Rubin"?
Don't get any really, roots only grow near the gravel. Get lots on the Rotala which is anoying!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Hi guys,

Just a quick update, just took some photos earlier this evening, not a lot as changed the plants have grown quite a bit, just letting things fill in, received the materials today to building the new moss wall, got more of the stuff than what I really needed, going to create a moss wall for my new shrimp breeder tank also, and should have enough left for a couple more tanks LOL
Things are looking great, this week added the "Limnophila aromatica" that I received from Clive, a few stems melted away but whats left is looking pretty good, I have increased the CO2 a little also to help it along, I am going to use some of the plants from this tank for the new 60l, like the anubias and some of the crypts. Since I moved the crypts about a few months ago, now I have small crypts growing everywhere, guess they are coming from the roots that were left in the gravel.
The tree branch that is in the tank is temporary, was thinking of using it in the shrimp tank so its just there to sink.

Now to some photos, tank last week:

Tank today:

One of my two corries on the glosso:

The Limnophila aromatica on the left hand side of the branch:

Close-up of the tank:

Comments and critics always welcomed 🙂 thanks for looking
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Looking good mate! 😀 L. aromatic looks great against the Blyxa. One little niggle though - That strand of Bacopa(?) on the extreme left against the glass ruins the mood mate. :? The glosso gets better every time. In a few weeks you'll have major decisions to make - like do you keep the L. aromatica short and in the mid-ground or or do you move them aft and allow them to grow up? Nice shots! 😀

Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks Clive, when I planted the L. Aromatic I uprooted the bacopa so I just planted it there for now.
When I get my 60l up and running (which should be tomorrow if my order from AE arrives) I am going to move a few things about in this tank, so I will have to see what I will do with the Aromatic, I might move it to the left hand side and replace the Rotala as its looking awfull, not doing very well in my tank, looks more dead than alive even though its growing.
The glosso is getting very think now also, growing like mad now which is a good sign, but looks like I might have to replant it soon, I have tried trimming as much as I can and I am keeping it sort of under control.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

I think the L.aromatica looks great too. Very nice tank and just keeps improving.

How do you trim the L.sessiflora? It always look really neat. Do you remove whole stems? Uproot and replant?
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

beeky said:
I think the L.aromatica looks great too. Very nice tank and just keeps improving.
How do you trim the L.sessiflora? It always look really neat. Do you remove whole stems? Uproot and replant?
Thanks beeky, I just trim it and then replant what I trim, it then just gets new stems just above where I trimmed it.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

aaronnorth said:
The glosso is doing well, i love the blyxa, very lush
Thanks 🙂 I am much happier with the glosso now, since dosing EasyCarbo things have improved a lot 🙂 including the Blyxa that was melting at one stage and was full of algea!
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

George Farmer said:
Very nice.
Consider some more midground transition. Rocks work well too.
Thanks George, I am in the process of setting up my 60l tank for my shrimp, so I am going to move some of the plants to that and rearange things in the tank a little, think I am getting way too many plant species now lol we just get carried away! Got two more from AE yesterday including the new tropica plant!!
I had rocks at one stage in the tank and removed them to make space for more plants lol
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

aaronnorth said:
Everytime i see Staurogyne sp the more i start to like... must resist ordering some :?
I needed some stuff off AE so I got a couple of the new plants to try them out including the Staurogyne 😉
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Quick update on the L. aromatic, its looking like the best plant I have now 🙂 really loving it 🙂

Here last week:

Here is it today, you can compare its growth with the Blyxa:

Also to the left of the L. Aromatic are the two new tropica plants I got this week, the Nesaea Pedicellata and the Staurogyne sp., both are still in their pots on top of the anubias until I do the water change this weekend and move things about.
Re: My First Planted Tank - Juwel Rio 125

Was measuring my 3 week supply of dry ferts and thought I would take some photos to see how I do mine, might be usefull for others, little circle containers were purchased at MUJI, brought 4 sets think it costs £2.49 each, so ended up with 2 sets of 9 containers each, which dosing 3 times a week lasts for 3 weeks. I measured and each can take up to 15 grams.



Photos of the tank next weekend, made some changes to the plant layout to include the new plants from Tropica and also added a couple of others that I purchased at a local LFS.

Girlfriend came home at the weekend with a red Siamese Fighter (Betta Splender), wasn't really keen on one but what can I do, she did like the idea of the shrimp only tank and backs me up in the 500l project! 😉

More soon 🙂