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My emersed setup - Tesco Jar 19/9

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
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Re: My emersed setup - flowers

Looks very nice mate :thumbup: I love these shots.

Today i've got a fresh shipment of Ranunculus Inundatus which has a small yellow flower. That plant could work in a small tank like this and the emers form is a beauty. 😉
Re: My emersed setup - flowers

Thanks Viktor 🙂

Does anyone know if Fluval Stratum actually contains nutrients, or is it another inert clay? Looking at the new Sword leaves, they are very yellow/brown, but otherwise look healthy. Is that how it is emersed, or is there some deficiency due to a lack of nutrients in the soil? The origina leaves were green.


Re: My emersed setup - Sword leaves, and Fluval Stratum?

Thanks Tom, will keep an eye on it. The leaf bottom right does seem to be getting greener when compared to how it was in the first pics I posted.

Just a quick one now - HC is starting to grow again after the "re-scape"

Re: My emersed setup - Sword leaves, and Fluval Stratum?

Hi all,
I agree with Tom, the leaf will green up, I do however think that the colour indicates that it is N deficient.
If you want to green the leaf up, you can add some more nitrogen, the safest would be as a foliar feed using urea as your N source, this should avoid leaf scorch. You could use KNO3 as your foliar feed, but you need to make sure it is a dilute solution (probably no more than 10ppm N).

cheers Darrel
Re: My emersed setup - Sword leaves, and Fluval Stratum?

Thanks Darrel, as you can see they do get greener as they get older. The new leaves come out bright orange/yellow. I'll see how it goes as to N dosing - I have some Tropica Capsules I could use, or could just inject a KNO3 mix into the substrate when I water it.

Re: My emersed setup

You need to Mark! Just pop it on the window sill. All you need is a tank, substrate and plants.

The Sword is putting out a new leaf every 2-3 days at the moment, growing about 0.5-1cm per day. The HC is starting to fill in too. More so at the front, which happens to be the wetter section due to the substrate's slope.

If I can get hold of a cheap 9w light and HOB filter, I might fill this with water at some point.
Re: My emersed setup

Ill try and get one tonight or tomorrow morning. It looks quite flat at the moment as the sword has no height to it. Its just throwing leaves out sideways. I think if i do fill it with water, this will change. The rotundifolia is starting to grow fairly quickly now though.
Re: My emersed setup

Here we go then 🙂

It's tricky getting frontal shots of this as it's backlit by the window, but these aren't too bad!

Bob - If I get any spare stem trimmings I'll let you know. I have Hydrocotyle growing like a weed in the propagator next to this one, but the trimmings aren't really much good.





Re: My emersed setup - new pics

Love this tank

I've go a dennerle 10 with lid and want to do the same thing, I've got a pot of hc but what others would you recommend from the common lot I can Pick up in p@h, I'll get some rotundifolia, I'm worried about the sword overshadowin the hc.