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My emersed setup - Tesco Jar 19/9

Re: My emersed setup - new pics

That is very beautiful. The emersed Rotala rotundifolia complements the HC really well - similar shaped leaves with a red stem. Brilliant!
Re: My emersed setup - new pics

Tom said:
Thanks 😀

My Tesco Jar 🙄 This seems to grow at a slower rate than the others. Not sure why though, it uses the same soil as the propagator.

Your getting a dab hand at this Tom
A few more Rotala-r stems in there and it would look great :thumbup:
Re: My emersed setup - new pics

Tom said:
Recovering slowly from the trim. The rotundifolia seems much quicker than the diandra though. And the Ech. flower has now left the tank!


Love this Tom, inspired me to start an emeresed setup in my P@H 15ltr now 🙂
Hey mate... cant seem to find the answer anywhere in the thread so.... what tank was you using for the first one?.... is it a little P@h tank or something?

Looks stunning btw, would love to give one of these a go 🙂