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My 60p soft water

N. 2
P 0.3
K 1.3
Fe 0.016
Mn 0.0075
B 0.003
Cu. 0.0025
Zn. 0.0025
Mo. 0.00008
Ca. 0.66
Mg. 0.33
Ni. 0.00001

Weekly. This is slightly reduced and I have been halfing the dose after my trim.

Ca,Mg, K
5:2:1 target dosed
~30ppm TDS
Fairly LEAN I'd say 😂
Time to reduce the CO2 and see how far you can push it.
Yes! Go slow though... Noob, zero CO2 injection is the ticket to your seat on the Jedi Counsel next to Happi! :lol:

Again, Incredible job there Noob... jaw dropping virtuosity in the Art of Aquatic Plant keeping. If this is not a stunning display of the merits of the ultra lean dosing approach, I don't know what is quite frankly....

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Time to reduce the CO2 and see how far you can push it.
Not sure how much co2 I'm using right now. Haven't checked my pH In a while. Last I checked was 0.9-1.0pH drop

In other news. A variegated rotala macrandra. 😍IMG_20230127_193352.jpg
Reduce the number of species and get a Scape going???
View attachment 200189
Turns out the answer is yes...
Plants growing slowly so it's manageable even with so many stems. Syns on the right need sorting out. For some reason my blood vomits are pale? Not sure what's happening there.
Absolutely gorgeous dude! Im so proud of you, i still remember when you and I were new to this! (actually kinda jealous ahhaha)
Thanks! I started planted tanks 2 years ago I think?
This journal gave me the confidence to move away from weekly water changes to fortnightly water changes.. and hey nothing bad happened! 🙂
Another advantage of less frequent water changes is that you don't have to dose as much ferts?
I'm wondering if ultra lean dosing requires very soft water, like 30ppm in this case. I get by with whatever comes out of my tap unfortunately.
Another advantage of less frequent water changes is that you don't have to dose as much ferts?
Yes+stable nutrient levels.
soft water, like 30ppm in this case. I get by with whatever comes out of my tap unfortunately
Definitely yes water hardness does play a part. Since Co3, Ca, Mg content all play a role in how easy It is for plants to acquire the required Iron, manganese. Not sure how much it affects macros.
I'm wondering if ultra lean dosing requires very soft water, like 30ppm in this case. I get by with whatever comes out of my tap unfortunately.
For what Noob is doing I think you need full control of your water, but of course there is a middelground where you can get great results, especially if your tap is soft and low on minerals otherwise.

For anyone wondering this is my dosing mix

N. 2
P 0.3
K 1.3
Fe 0.016
Mn 0.0075
B 0.003
Cu. 0.0025
Zn. 0.0025
Mo. 0.00008
Ca. 0.66
Mg. 0.33
Ni. 0.00001

Recently I've been dosing 70-80% of above numbers weekly. The tank gets 5:2:1 Ca:Mg:K at WC.
MY HRA gets redder and redder once it goes to the light so my macros should be lean. Under 15-20 NO3 and high light it turns copperish bronze orange.

My current lighting is chihiros wrgb2 100% 10 hours daily, no ramp.
Noob, Absolutely stunning! I am running out of superlatives quite frankly. Cant you add some algae or something so we have something to talk about :lol:
I actually do have some green slimy thread algae which is rather annoying, but since it's so thin it's almost invisible until you get up close. 😂