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Low Tech Juwel Lido 120

Yes, hopefully.

Was out all day yesterday and didn't get back until late and couldn't believe the job the new clean up crew had done with the sand and foreground plants. Very impressive!
Added 5 Lemon Tetras yesterday. Only one seems to have coloured up properly, with the rest being silver. Hopefully that will come, as they settle in more. Haven't seen the Amano's since the second day after I bought them- hopefully just hiding and not escaped.

Vallis has completely stopped melting. Pinna still melting, but also has some new leaves. Still some algae on the moss, especially in the lighter areas and on the Frogbit roots. Otherwise, the clean up crew and changes in lighting seem to have it really under control now.

So, re: stocking, I have:
5 Cardinals
5 Lemons
4 Ottos
8-12 Cherries (difficult to make an accurate count)
8 or so Ramshorns
2 Amanos (hopefully!)

I would like to add 3 more Cardinals and 2 more Lemons. Do you think that will be overdoing it? Would also love some Corys, but think that will definitely send the stocking over the limit.
I've never even considered counting snails 😂, I must have close to 150. Not sure about adding fish, but my first move would be completing an Oto shoal. People usually say 6 onwards, and I really see the difference, I've kept four and when I added a couple more their behaviour changes drastically. I would not then add a new species without removing one of the original gregarious types, be that the cardinals or the lemons. If you did that, you could add Hastatus or Pygmaeus, those are tiny.
Thanks both! Not sure at all what the pH is now... I know that's bad, but all the livestock seem very happy, so it must be ok. I really should check it...


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Hi all,
Not sure at all what the pH is now... I
There is an easy method, that doesn't rely on pH testing, and just uses the state of <"your snail shells">.
I know that's bad, but all the livestock seem very happy, so it must be ok
Honestly it isn't bad, it is OK, and you have actually measured the parameter that matters, <"the coffee not the froth">, and the only bit that matters is "but all the livestock seem very happy".

cheers Darrel
Oh dear... found on the floor behind the cabinet 🙁


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I like a lemon. Got one accidentally pretending to be an ember one time. Too big for my tank at that time sadly. Not showy but class imo. Personally I'd go with more cardinals and otos rather than balancing the tetra groups. My stocking is very similar, though I went for all tetras as cardinals (17). Sometimes I wish for some other variety as I have a couple of sad red phantoms in another tank and think they could get more appreciation in the large tank
Think I agree, mate. Will get some more Cardinals and one or two Oto's, then I'll be done.

That's a shame 🙁 Is your tank open then?

Very disappointed to lose the Amano's. They seemed to be doing so well on the first day- they did a huge amount of cleaning up in a few hours and seemed happy as Larry. Next day, they were all over the place, constantly bombing around the tank. Didn't see them again, until I found them earlier. Would like more, but am dubious now.
Is your tank open then?
Yes, much to the cat's delight. I've never had amanos before. Interested if your experience is a common one or not.

I really like my otos though I never see them. Supposedly 6 in there. Given how well they can hide (I had the central wood completely out and still only saw 2, thought I'd lost the others and then they appeared again) I've no reason to suspect they aren't still there. Tempted to get a giant oto I saw at my LFS, but would be a shame if I never saw it.
Yes, much to the cat's delight. I've never had amanos before. Interested if your experience is a common one or not.

I really like my otos though I never see them. Supposedly 6 in there. Given how well they can hide (I had the central wood completely out and still only saw 2, thought I'd lost the others and then they appeared again) I've no reason to suspect they aren't still there. Tempted to get a giant oto I saw at my LFS, but would be a shame if I never saw it.
I think it does happen- they'll either leave the tank if they don't like something, or sometimes they're just very adventurous!

Thankfully, I see my four Oto's all the time. They don't like it if I get too close to the glass, though!