After spending the best part of the evening trawling the ‘algae’ ‘ferts’ and ‘lighting’ forums (is it a bit sad that I enjoyed it?) I’ve come to the conclusion I’ve made a rookie mistake with my my lighting that has caused my algae. I have a twinstar 450SA which is sexy and I love but I think performance-wise is probably better suited to a high tech set up.
Since planting the tank I’ve gradually raised the intensity from 30% at set up to 50% and I think this has caused diatoms to flourish. My tank now has a none too attractive brown coating on pretty much every surface. I am a muppet for this....I was told to keep my lights at 30% but panicked when I started to get small amounts of diatoms. I read general algae guides, and several said it is caused by low light or is particularly common in low tech tanks so I turned my lights up assuming light was the cause. With more reading, helpful advice from
@dw1305 about the ‘duckweed index’ and a generous gift of Aquarium Gardens celebrity frogbit from
@Siege I now think my algae may be because my plants were a bit undernourished and the algae was outcompeting. My frogbit was pale and yellowing and greened up within a week once I increased my dose of tropica food. Unfortunately I was trying to do too many things at once...cure the algae and improve my plant health. So what I’ve mistakenly done is up both my lights and my ferts. On top of this my new fish got ill and I had to medicate which prevented a weekly clean and water change. So too much light, extra ferts and less cleaning in combination. Viola! Algae soup
Now I’ve just got to work out how to get the tank back in control. So far I’ve:
1. Reduced lighting back to 8 hours dimmed at 30%
2.Using fogbit to manage dosing...tropica premium 1 squirt tropica specialised 1 squirt per week. (The tank is 55l) but with soil and big rock so I think about about 40l water)
3. 50% water change each week as usual but today I’m going to do an extra clean and 50% change to reduce to diatoms.
4. I’m going to add 5 nerite snails to help general clean-up.
5. Consider replacing the plants I can’t clean the algae off.
Hope all this sounds sensible. Diatoms teaching me who’s boss.