The tanks been running for two months now so I thought it’s a good time to post a picture. (the water is a little cloudy and stained as I’ve just done the weekly maintenance and added a catappa leaf to condition the water for the fish and shrimp) I’m really pleased with how it’s settling in so I’d love to know what you all think? Considering it’s a low energy tank I’m amazed how much the plants have grown. Won’t be long before some of the background stems need a trim. I’ve made several changes this week:
1. I’ve followed your recommendation and increased the numbers of the neon green rasboras (microdevario kubotai). Thank you everyone. It was great advice! The addition of some new friends for the original fish has made such a difference. The new tank mates have bonded well and everyone is schooling nicely, much calmer behaviour, much more playful rather than territorial. I’ve 14 altogether now and,to my eye, it looks about the right number for the tank.
2. I’ve increased the light intensity from 40% to 50% (up from 30% the week before) with a photoperiod of eight hours. I took out the hours break in the middle of the day as I thought it was probably confusing for the fish, but left in a gradual sunrise and sunset ramp to be gentle on the fish. The quality of the plant growth has improved no end over the last fortnight. Not so much that they’re growing faster, but the growth is less stringy, more compact, and healthier looking. Algae which was plaguing the leaves, particularly on the foreground crypts, has all but disappeared.
3. I’ve added some Mini Christmas moss to the lower section of the largest manzanita branch. I figured it would look best lower down as it grows outwards in a bushy fashion, is that correct? Big thanks to
@Siege for the gift of the moss. I guess my Christmas came early.
4. 25 litre weekly water change (about 50%) and new fert regime. I was adding tropica premium, one squirt every other day. Now I alternate this with specialised nutrition to add macro nutrients now the plants are growing well and algae is less of an issue. I also add 8 drops of Dennerle carbo elixir BIO as a more natural substitute for liquid carbon. Does anyone else use this? I’d love to know what you reckon, and also if that dose sounds correct?
It’s been a really exciting few months and I’m really enjoying the tank. There’s been SO much to learn but I’m starting to feel more confident now. The comments, encouragement and friendly advice from members of the forum have been invaluable. Thanks everyone for getting me through the first few months without too many hiccups!