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Low Energy ADA 45H

The fat one is a bit suspect - I’d be concerned that it’s more than just eggs ready to explode 😱
(ie choose the more slender fish though it would’ve been cruel to leave that single fish behind and well beyond my own abilities
Sorry to hear about your skimmer disaster :nailbiting: they seem really inquisitive little fish and very attracted to the flow from the lily pipe. I can imagine they could easily get themselves into trouble. If my chubby one has lots of babies I’ll give you shout and we can top up your numbers after skimmergate. I hope it’s size is nothing sinister. Its eating well and really active and swimming nicely so fingers crossed it’s just happy and well fed. Looks like me after a trip to the Toby carvery!
As for attaching buce, i use superglue gel or fine fishing line, dont waste money on those ada bread tie thingys

Check out my tank thread, all buces attached with superglue or fishing line, the fishing line way is trickier to do,but it does work, when they have attached to the wood just cut away the f/line
I can send you some, no prob
I also find when attached securely, they grow quicker and stronger(imo)
Thanks Steve. Will take a look now. I’d taken the plunge with the ADA ties before I read your post. They were quite handy for reattaching the buce to my branches but it took quite a long piece to wrap around the wood and hold them firmly enough in place. Not the prettiest solution, I bet your fishing line solution is a lot less visible, but I hope once the roots have attached I can unpeel the ties and Mother Nature will have done her job.
Highs and lows in week 7 of the tank. The bad (sad) news was I lost one of my lovely neon green rasboras🙁. It jumped out of the tank overnight and was too late to rescue by the time I found it in the morning. I feel bad about it, and have been reading to find out why it might have happened. I was a bit of a shock as I’ve kept up with water changes and been monitoring the water parameters and everything was fine. From what I’ve read, and the advice everyone’s helped me with, I think it might be about the numbers. I only have six (I was hoping for at least 10) as that was all they had in the shop. Now, I think I should have waited until I could put in at least a dozen so they were able to school properly. Maybe it’s left them feeling a bit nervous and might explain why the little one made a bid for freedom. I really want to make sure it doesn’t happen again so as soon as I have a day off work I will drive to the nearest shop and bring them some friends. My good news this week is that in the meantime Steve and Dave at aquarium gardens have come to the rescue with some beautiful frogbit to float on the top of the tank. The fish seem instantly calmer with a bit of a hiding place and really love playing hide and seek in the roots. Hopefully they’ll be fine now till I find them some new tankmates. I also picked up a dozen more beautiful red cherry shrimps from aquarium gardens and after a slow and careful acclimatisation they are looking very content on the rocks and plants.
Hi Mike,

I am pleased the shrimp made it home safe and sound to sunny Brighton 🙂

The Frogbit will look cool and spread quickly. Will also allow you to turn up the intensity of your Twinstar S light more safely.

I think the fish will appreciate some friends!
Hi Mike,

I am pleased the shrimp made it home safe and sound to sunny Brighton 🙂

The Frogbit will look cool and spread quickly. Will also allow you to turn up the intensity of your Twinstar S light more safely.

I think the fish will appreciate some friends!
Yes they all made it home safe and sound....thanks for all the help. The shrimp look fantastic, and I’ll use the Christmas Moss on one of the branches. Hope your big water change went well.
Good to see you again. The Mini Christmas Moss will look nice, quite hard to get nowadays so your shrimp were treated! 🙂

Big water change every week, thurs and fri are maintenance days.

Only problem is when if I get sidetracked and forget the hose is filling a tank! Usually caused by @Geoffrey Rea distracting me though.
He loves water pouring down whilst he is near an electric extension lead, so all is good! :lol:
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The floaters will help no end, I've not had a jumper (touch wood) since using them in my tanks
That’s good to hear, I’ve been a bit nervous to look in the morning since it happened. I really like the look of the frogbit too. The roots are so cool.
I dont think its any thing you did mike they do like to jump a little its part of there playfull nature ive watched them swim down and shoot back to the surface out and back in several times i did lower my water a little after i had see them do it so that the tank wasn't filled to the brim so there was a little gap at the top just for peice of mind
I dont think its any thing you did mike they do like to jump a little its part of there playfull nature ive watched them swim down and shoot back to the surface out and back in several times i did lower my water a little after i had see them do it so that the tank wasn't filled to the brim so there was a little gap at the top just for peice of mind
Thanks Jay. Did feel bad about the little fella, I’ve followed your suggestion and lowered the water level a bit so hopefully no more doomed bids for freedom.
Good to see you again. The Mini Christmas Moss will look nice, quite hard to get nowadays so your shrimp were treated! 🙂

Big water change every week, thurs and fri are maintenance days.

Only problem is when if I get sidetracked and forget the hose is filling a tank! Usually caused by @Geoffrey Rea distracting me though.
He loves water pouring down whilst he is near an electric extension lead, so all is good! :lol:
Who knew aquascaping was an extreme sport? Clearly taking your life in your hands with these water changes- try not to kill each other and blow the shop up :lol:
Mini Christmas moss going in tonight when I get in from work. Think I need at least an hour to battle that fiddly cotton.
The tanks been running for two months now so I thought it’s a good time to post a picture. (the water is a little cloudy and stained as I’ve just done the weekly maintenance and added a catappa leaf to condition the water for the fish and shrimp) I’m really pleased with how it’s settling in so I’d love to know what you all think? Considering it’s a low energy tank I’m amazed how much the plants have grown. Won’t be long before some of the background stems need a trim. I’ve made several changes this week:
1. I’ve followed your recommendation and increased the numbers of the neon green rasboras (microdevario kubotai). Thank you everyone. It was great advice! The addition of some new friends for the original fish has made such a difference. The new tank mates have bonded well and everyone is schooling nicely, much calmer behaviour, much more playful rather than territorial. I’ve 14 altogether now and,to my eye, it looks about the right number for the tank.
2. I’ve increased the light intensity from 40% to 50% (up from 30% the week before) with a photoperiod of eight hours. I took out the hours break in the middle of the day as I thought it was probably confusing for the fish, but left in a gradual sunrise and sunset ramp to be gentle on the fish. The quality of the plant growth has improved no end over the last fortnight. Not so much that they’re growing faster, but the growth is less stringy, more compact, and healthier looking. Algae which was plaguing the leaves, particularly on the foreground crypts, has all but disappeared.
3. I’ve added some Mini Christmas moss to the lower section of the largest manzanita branch. I figured it would look best lower down as it grows outwards in a bushy fashion, is that correct? Big thanks to @Siege for the gift of the moss. I guess my Christmas came early.
4. 25 litre weekly water change (about 50%) and new fert regime. I was adding tropica premium, one squirt every other day. Now I alternate this with specialised nutrition to add macro nutrients now the plants are growing well and algae is less of an issue. I also add 8 drops of Dennerle carbo elixir BIO as a more natural substitute for liquid carbon. Does anyone else use this? I’d love to know what you reckon, and also if that dose sounds correct?

It’s been a really exciting few months and I’m really enjoying the tank. There’s been SO much to learn but I’m starting to feel more confident now. The comments, encouragement and friendly advice from members of the forum have been invaluable. Thanks everyone for getting me through the first few months without too many hiccups!
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Im sure its been as much a pleasure for us to see it developing into a beautiful lil scape thanks for sharing and keep up the journal
You will have to many to name soon lol
:lol:I hope so! Big Shelley is definitely the biggest reddest and best looking of the shrimp so I’m not surprised she found an ‘admirer’ so quickly. Don’t know how long they take to hatch so I’m going to find/make a filter inlet cover. Can’t have the kids getting hoovered up into the filter😱
Yeah that is what i do in my 60p found 23 yellow sukura babies and juves in there last wed but hadnt done the pre filter for 2 weeks i know that is bad but sometimes work gets the better of us all my partner is know as the shrimp whisperer and she actually loves spending half an hour catching them (well that what i tell myself)
They’ll be fine in the prefilter!

Just pour the water into a jug when you clean it and fish the shrimp out! 🙂

So confession time: the last time I cleaned the pre-filter a full grown shrimp had got sucked in. I had no idea this was possible -the gaps in the glassware looked so narrow. I was rinsing the sponges and I spotted it, a millisecond too late, swirling down the kitchen sink plug hole. After a minor freak out I grabbed a sieve, ran outside and placed it under the drain pipe. Then I ran back in, turned on the tap and managed to flush it through the sink pipe and into the sieve. Was still wriggling so I just ran straight to the tank and plopped it back in. It just swam off and was right as a bobbin! I was too embarrassed to mention it here, especially after my Rasbora suicide. I’ll definitely be double- checking the sponges from now on 😳
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