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Limnophila aromatica - The Rice Paddy Herb

ceg4048 said:
More stems are available if you guys had bad luck getting them going. 😀

Fingers crossed I think mine are ok! 😀 None melted but not seen big growth yet either. Looks great though! Thanks again
nickyc said:
Fingers crossed I think mine are ok! 😀 None melted but not seen big growth yet either. Looks great though! Thanks again
I give mine another week and it will reach the surface of the water already on a 50cm high tank 😉
Here how mine is looking, its growing way too fast now! 🙂


Clive, how do I prune this? Just cut half way and replant the cuttings?
LondonDragon said:
Clive, how do I prune this? Just cut half way and replant the cuttings?

Yep, easy as pie. new shoots grow for the cut nodes.

Matt Holbrook-Bull said:
id quite like some of that 🙂 looks amazing
Matt, I just sent the last of my clippings to Arana mate. It'll be a few weeks before they grow back maybe Paulo can spare a few stems? He seems to have the knack.

Arana said:
Thanks Clive 😀 recieved my large batch of cuttings and planted them last night, will post some photos once it's took hold 😀

Cool dude! 8) looking forward to the pics. I reckon these will make a better stem wall than the small leaf stems you have in the back (but maybe you have a different idea for placement 🙄 ).

thats ok clive.. I can go buy some 🙂

ive been looking about, and greenline list that latin name as this


have they got it wrong?

edit: hms.. looks like they have got it wrong.. Tropica list it correctly.. lol well that makes live easy huh!
ceg4048 said:
Matt, I just sent the last of my clippings to Arana mate. It'll be a few weeks before they grow back maybe Paulo can spare a few stems? He seems to have the knack.
I will be prunning mine in the next few days I will send Matt some stems 😉
durtydurty said:
Can I be bit a scrounger and ask if anyone has any clippings of this going spare, I will make a donation to UKAPs if some one explains how to me if someone could send me some!!
Thanks in advance
Send me a PM and I will sort you out some when I next prunn it, should be next week. Have sent to a couple of people already, grows very well in my tank and its pearling all the time now 🙂
Hi Clive,

Having read your article I went out and picked up some LA. Its done really well having made the transition to submerged leaves. It pearls well and has no signs of algae however it has recently started to loose lower leaves, The tops are just below the surface now and it needs trimming, should I have trimmed earlier? any obvious reasons for it dropping leaves?

thanks in advance
Hi planter,
Normally as the stems grow and things get a bit bushier they start blocking flow. The first victim is normally CO2 distribution to the lower leaves. You might try to tweak either flow or bubble rate or both. Try doing this in combination with topping and replanting the tops.

ceg4048 said:
Hi planter,
Normally as the stems grow and things get a bit bushier they start blocking flow. The first victim is normally CO2 distribution to the lower leaves. You might try to tweak either flow or bubble rate or both. Try doing this in combination with topping and replanting the tops.


Thanks Clive,

Ive trimmed, replanted and redirected the filter outlet to create some circulation amognst the stems. Fingers crossed now....

Thanks for all the info 🙂 looking at the time around to get me some submersed cuttings of this.. On the net i read rather contradictive information.. Tropica says Low light and Low Co2 demand and planted tank.net says High light and High Co2 demand.. Is this because of the different varieties around?. I'm definitively going with tropica and going to try this plant low tech at a rather shallow spot in the tank where the P. stellatus is having some trouble now and doesn't realy want to take off.. 🙂

Did anybody grow this plant in a low tech setup??
Oh in case it hasnt been mentioned before, I have seen cut portions of the leaves start to grow roots ! When I had it in my tank, I had to trim it regularly because it grew so fast and while pruning I guess some of the leaves got cut in half. Some of these got stuck in my moss wall and some time later I saw that a few of them had grown 1-2 thin white roots. Unfortunately I didnt keep them in to see how the growth would progress