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LFS Display Help!

If you only have to use TMC products, then you got to work with it.. 🙂 add more, prune more, and increase the co2, after all you got no fish there.. 🙂

Also a airstone at night, or increase water movement helps a lot also..
Thanks for all your help guys.

I've upped the co2 and ferts and we are still having a real problem with brown slimy algae. It seems to be getting worse despite a 90% WC and is now pearling more than the plants.

Any other ideas?
I get this mainly on wood when I start a new tank. Amano shrimp take care of it...aslong as it is the same stuff.

Can we see a pic please.
Thanks for all your help guys.

I've upped the co2 and ferts and we are still having a real problem with brown slimy algae. It seems to be getting worse despite a 90% WC and is now pearling more than the plants.

Any other ideas?

Sounds like a form of diatom algae to me. I get it on new setups. It'll eventually go.

I know what you mean though, its horrible and grows extremely quick. Almost back again overnight.

Cut the light back a bit, see if that has an effect.

I agree with Nate. If you have those tiles running at 100% then you are asking for trouble. If you have a dimming controller then try knocking it back to 20% or less for a while.
