Don't take this wrong or personnaly, but you see that's the problem right there that many many people do, focusing on ferts and ratios before thinking of the rest.
Not taken in any way other than good honest advice, I even agree with the above statement.
Why am I messing with ferts? It's a good question. I ran both my tanks for about 7~8 months dosing various levels of ei and was quite happy with the results. Then I got bored... I was also constantly hearing about how folks needed to read the plants and learn how to accurately spot genuine nutrient deficiencies, well I'd never seen a deficiency, and never would as long as I dosed ei levels of ferts.
Last November I got some gsa appearing on some leaves, so I tweaked my dosing and added some extra P04 (4ppm), the gsa disappeared. If I'd stuck to the prescribed ei dose of 3ppm P04 I'd have never seen this effect.
So it got me thinking, maybe I can mess around with various levels of nutrients and see for myself what happens. No need to read and believe what x or y says in a book, or on a forum, I get to see it, and gain first hand knowledge myself. Doing this might also help distract me from the mundane 9~5 ground hog day that I seemed to be slipping into.
Shortly after setting out on this journey of discovery I stumbled upon this thread, and to be honest thought Happi was talking a load of boll*cks (read my early posts in this thread.)
Then I realised I could test out these theory's, see if there was any truth to this snake charmers claims, maybe witness a few deficiencies along the way, hence why I'm here.
So far I've seen deficiencies, stunting, weird ass deformed growth, algae, plants changing colour and C02 spikes, all induced and corrected (directly or indirectly) by removing or adding nutrients. I've also learnt that my plants don't require 20ppm of N03 every week.
At the very least I've had a distraction over the last few months, at best I've maybe learnt something.
My intention now regards farting about with traces is simply an extension of what I've been doing, maybe Happi will give me some magic golden ratio, maybe not. I'm willing to try it and see if it works, if it doesn't... Que sera, sera.