Well ... all this potassium talk got me potassium crazy.
I'm slightly confused about this one mate, do you mean having more k in the water column would have helped when I was dosing Urea or just in general? Appreciate your input.
To illustrate what I am suggesting about potassium above I'll share what I did today.
Here is the tank now:
There is no potassium deficiency here:
I haven't changed the water since the last time I said that I haven't changed the water. Forgot when that was. Daily dose of course NPK back to targets + Micro.
The other day I fed 5x Brine shrimp frozen and 5x blood worm frozen + my daughter dropped about 35 algae pellet mini's in ... fish got really fat.
My params:

<--- at "all times" <-- at 100% water change. If changed less, then scaled it. so 20% water change means 20% dosing solution back in to refresh those targets. The pretty pictures from before run the same. KH ~1 ... pH ~ 6.4 with co2 (pH probably very low now since I converted to black water earlier and KH is probably zero) ... Temp 27 during day 24 at night fluctuate -- 15 hour photoperiod lights on max 4x AI Prime. NOW I have 4 hour ramp up and 4 hour ramp down ... before I did 12 hour with 10 minute ramp up and 10 minute ramp down ... just because system won't let me just turn them on (and is kind to fish). And did not fluctuate temp when injecting CO2 ... though would be fine ... will go back and try it in a few months.

<--- from CSM Plantex super concentrated solution daily for sure.
TDS out of tap (so all that junk + the minerals) ~ 80-90 ... around 120 after I dosed.
TDS didn't change until I started doing crazy things with feeding and for about a month TD remain 120 (the no WC was on purpose ... I was at daily 20's before and the tankl never crashed for months even with excessive feeding) ... then it began to creep.
And to be honest, it began to creep very slow then faster and faster and faster! It hit 190 and I said gotta save this thing.
So ... the point ... all this potassium talk reminded me that my baby dosage of 10% a day of those targets probably can't keep up with N and P from my excessively stupid feasting (though fish look absolutely beautiful -- the ones I can see). Micros don't even matter --> they are there and in substrate (its almost a foot deep LOL).
So I dumped 10ppm K in (you know just a little don't be too crazy) ... TDS skyrocket 210 ish ... end of photoperiod I check again ... down to 180. Still no deficiency ... It can use atmospheric co2 to compensate for any ammonia that may have been converted by bacteria to Nitrate and probably sitting in the column (so my fish would give the ammonia neccesary to combat the nitrate requirement but even if they didn't, there is so much CO2 from atmospheric aerial advantage that they can just waste it to make ammonia from nitrate).
So I dump 20 ppm in this eve ... probably going to drop to 170 ish tomorrow ... hopefully over the next week or two, I can cleanse my excessive feeding and bring things back to normal to keep up with the decay.
This may not be an example of potassium allowing stuff from roots ... it could be masked as simply leidbig and then everything adapting ... but I think it illustrates a few other things as well.