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juwel rio 400l (new pics 03032011)

Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 02022011)

Looks real good, nuke that co2 and you're onto a winner, antelope island?!
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 02022011)

Good luck with the rescape, can't wait to see it
the back is a little dark, i like the a. ulvaceuos, but it is getting a bit too big, and shading out the back, i will work on it, maybe trim it hard to get it to stay a bit smaller...

the "white drip" is actually a crypt in the front and the back streaming bubbles 😛 if you click on the pic for the larger view you can see...
update time

no changes, just growing in...

glosso is growing slowly, starting to look pretty natural, i am still letting everything grow where i put it or where it has sprouted on its own..

thanks sanj!

i have taken the wood out, it was using up valuable stem real estate. i know i was going for a lower maintenance scape, but i can't say no to new stems...

front, click for larger

left side:






so it looks like i am heading towards a dutch again..
thanks alistair!

up until sunday i was only using 4x54w.

i switched another two on when i took out the wood and added more stems..

i use the regular juwel light fitting that came with two t5's, and then i added another 3 dual ballasts, i just rest the tubes on the braces.. if i am not using the lights, the connections just hang down the back..