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juwel rio 400l (new pics 03032011)

Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

i found an Aponogeton madagascariensis

i brought my Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaia' to the front a bit so you can actually see it...

i also got a piece of emersed bolbitus

and in case you think the back right looks a little bare, there is some rotala colorate, cuba and reineckii still coming up in the back there:
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

That's not emersed bolbitis, sorry. It's a non-aquatic quiet common in lfs'.
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

That pseudo-aquatic is I believe a Selagenilla.
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

Nice Tank, realy nice.
Can You please show how going flow in Yours tank ?
I have too Juwel Rio 400 and tired adjust flow 1 more month, high load of fish and organics floating around.
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

@arty - i have a fluval fx5 in there. i took out the internal filter. i have the intake and outflow of the fx5 both in the back left, the outflow blows diagonally across the top from left to right looking at the tank. and then i have a powerhead above my diffuser at the back right at the top blowing from right to left across the top. this creates some nice circular flow, and even plants in the front right have leaves that move in the current...

hope this makes sense
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

Thank You for advice. I will try same way make flow. I have already two ext. filters and i'l order tonight from Ebay powerhead 3000L/h. I think will be approx. 1400+800+3000=5200/400L=13x flow rate
And how much You dose ferts with Livestock, what's is best safety margin ?
Did You keep plastic brass on top( i once tried remove but later decide risky) ?
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

i am dosing a bit of a modified EI regime. with my stocking levels of fish quite high, i am not dosing much nitrate, i am still dosing phosphates and traces at the recommended dosages for my tank. i also only do 25% water changes weekly not 50%. i mix the powders in a glass of tank water and pour it into my tank, otherwise my fish try and eat the powder, retards...

the tank is stock standard besides the removed filter, i have not removed any of the bracing.
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

And what's dosages in ppm is recommended for Yours tank ?
Re: juwel rio 400l (new pics 17062010)

2tsp per week of kno3 gets me to about 16ppm
0.2tsp per week of phosphate gets me to about 2ppm
the above also adds about 11ppm of potassium

but like i said i have been pretty lean on the nitrates maybe 1stp every two weeks...
Juwel Rio 400 (video 10122010)

this tank is empty again 🙁

i am moving on tuesday, so everything needs to dry out...

i will re-setup up in january, i have some exciting new changes. flourite dark, maybe a sump, new scape etc.

in the meantime here is a video of what it was like a few months ago...

there is an HD version, camera was a bit shaky, coz i was using a skateboard as a dolly, and it was bumping over the tiles, i will make another plan next time...
Re: juwel rio 400l (video 10122010)

That looked very good indeed, its amazing to see so many fish in a tank! good luck with the rescape when you set it up again 🙂
Re: juwel rio 400l (video 10122010)


it looks like a lot more coz they all swim in the open space in the front. rummies tend to like swimming in and amongst the stems though. i purposefully chose 8 to 10 of a few different types of tetras to add lots of color and movement, they all swim at slightly different heights and schooling patterns, so it looks busy all the time. as you can see with the plants and colors, i like busy 🙂
Re: juwel rio 400l (video 10122010)

lovely aquarium, good luck with the move and new scape, will watch out for this, i love large tanks!
cheers, bazz!
Re: juwel rio 400l (video 10122010)

thanks for all the support!

this tank has been empty for the last couple of weeks.

i cleaned it and hardscaped it today, take a look:


anyone else spot the antelope?


going to dry start some carpets to start with...
Re: juwel rio 400l (newly setup)

Wow! That really does look like an antelope haha 🙂 The hardscape is looking pretty good! :thumbup:
Re: juwel rio 400l (newly setup)

and without further ado here are some pics...

the nice thing about reusing your old substrate is that you get some nice surprises popping up:

from left to right, some hc, a crypt and a dwarf lily


this aponogetan ulvaceous has been in for a bout 2 weeks and is already flowering..


the leaves on this echinodorus "red diamond" are a brilliant red and it stays quite small:


can anyone tell me if this is cardamine lyrata or hydrocotyle sibthorpioides?


and lastly the FTS! click for larger
