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Juwel 180 first planted tank

Looking good 🙂

Now to see if you can get it pearling today 🙂 !!! I think I have the same heater as you ! What filter you running on this ?

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Can you get to maiden head aquatics today ?? They do a really good internal filter/power head for £20 i think it's their own brand but i have it and its very good

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You didn't mention that last night Andy ! Need a local stockist of co2 gear this morning as the diffuser has decided to break overnight ! If need be I can take a external litre of the small tank and run that on the 180 that is running two after all

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I think hc does that anyway when recently submerged but I may be wrong 🙂
Gutted about the diffuser , I'd get on the case pronto !

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