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Juwel 180 first planted tank

Nice set up and great layout and rocks look good , you should def get some update pics in though.
You going to be using a spray bar on this one ?

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Yes I've bought and drilled some clear 16mm acrylic tube which runs the full length of the tank I will take some pictures when I finish work and update the forum I've downloaded that app and have left my iPad taking pictures every two minutes off my 100 litre community tank which has some plants in but not scaped just as a trial run so looking forward to viewing that later today
I looked into that acrylic but was lucky enough to pick up a full spray bar kit for my aqua manta for £5 from maidenhead aquatics . I added that to the one I already had and now it will run the full length , but I tested it the other day in the bath and it has the same pressure all the way along the whole length of the spray bar , was worried about it dying it off at the other end . Im not sure what your planning but I am also putting minimal media in the filter to help with flow , just going with a course and fine sponge, Alfa grog and some of those plastic scrubbies from wilks . Oh and maybe some Purigen .
Thought I would share

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That hc was grown emmersed in a propagator, in john ines 3. I just put it in switched it on and left on window cill for 8 weeks topping up the water every couple of weeks. Photos can be found in the link in post #40 of this thread.

Dan that hc gets more attention than the rest of the tank ill have to do a step by step guide of how i did it
That's grown in very nicely indeed , nice green and healthy , I really can't see room for error in a dsm .

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Hc going great guns! Ive been squashing it flat to the substrate and it seem fairly compact and growing flat.
I think the real test with the dsm is when you flood it. Getting flow, co2 and maintenance right at this time is critical.
You planted your hc the day after us and its good to have something to compare it to.
The only thing im worried about is not having a fully cycled filter . It will be new and have zero bacteria 🙁
Did you manage to get the atomizer from tank scape ?

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I did think about that. I've got a fluval 205 which I thought about using for a reactor but found out you have to get the outflow right , it would mean I would need another full length spray bar below the main spray bar , this way there would be no conflict with flow or dead spots in the tank .
Found an up inline for £17
Do you want to buy an intense bazooka off me to try that ?

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Hey guys when you fill are you doing the daily water change for 1st week then dropping a water change every week etc until you get to 1 a week ??
Also will you be dosing straight after fill ?
I read on aqua essentials blog something about not dosing the first few weeks .... This seems wrong right. ?

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Well be doing large daily water change for longer than you because of the john ines. We have a filter maturing in another tank. I've read somewhere that theres no need to dose straight away too and wont be dosing for the first week. Dosing in the first week is less of an issue with an enriched substrate which will leech quite a few nutruents into the water but there are plenty of people that do dose straight after flooding