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Juwel 180 first planted tank

You should have just got them from Aquaessentials but I'd have probably done the same, its a good shop worth supporting. You'll have to thin the stems out to fit the new plants in, its fairly dense behind the rocks. Are you pulling some\all of the myriophyllum? and we've still got to trim the bad bits from stauro and pogo.
Theres some work gone into both your tanks over the last few weeks, its making me want to go out and out high tech with the cube and put some hard stems in the rear.

I agree I like the shop that's why I've placed the order with dean however I will be ordering from aqua essentials if he lets me down this time

Oh and yes get some advanced stems in that cube

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Not a lot changed really just been keeping up with water changes and dosing tnc complete 20mm every other day the extra shrimp have made the tank a lot more interesting as there's more activity specially after a water change and feeding anyway a few update pics

A scrap between a cherry shrimp and a Mollie for a wafer the shrimp won very amusing

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Added a little more hair grass this week a pot of Java fern a pot of Lilaeopsis also got a pot of Pogostemon Erectus which I will be planting this week along with cutting the longer stems of Proserpinaca and replanting those a few update pics ezaqezyq.jpg

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Pulled a lot of the stems from the rear of this tank this Easter they was looking tired and had been trimmed to death I've replaced them with 3 pots of Proserpinaca palustris cuba and 2 pots of Hygrophila pinnatifida which I'm hoping will turn a nice red in colour also capped of the stratum with grey sand a little tricky but seemed to have had some success I've still a good half bag to go in but going to wait till it's settled for a few days first giving serious thoughts to upping the lighting on this tank it just seems very slow growing will see what happens over the coming weeks first
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Think its time I pulled the plug on this tank it just doesn't do anything for me anymore since I pulled the hc carpet think I'm going to transfer the shrimp and ottos to the 125 and let big clown take some for his cube I know he's after some critters for his now. once everything is rehomed I think a rescape more dirt maybe wood ??? Or replace with a new tank ??? Watch this space big changes on the way

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Think its time I pulled the plug on this tank it just doesn't do anything for me anymore since I pulled the hc carpet think I'm going to transfer the shrimp and ottos to the 125 and let big clown take some for his cube I know he's after some critters for his now. once everything is rehomed I think a rescape more dirt maybe wood ??? Or replace with a new tank ??? Watch this space big changes on the way

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I think a jungle scape would like awesome dan

Decided to pull all the long stems out of this tank today they had grown straggly and turned into a big ball of mess near the surface my fault I've lost interest in this tank.
I've chucked the last half bag of grey sand in at the rear to fill the holes left by the stems I may lose most of the styro next maybe replanting the better stems honestly I'm not sure part of me wants to knock it into kit form and get rid.
I'm considering doing a cube tank in my front room so shelving this would give me time to do so plus I wouldn't have to walk into the kitchen to look at it hmmmm decisions decisions either way something's going to happen I'm getting itchy fingers

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Be a shame to get rid of a nice big tank like this. It's likely you'll want something big again after doing the cube; my interests jump from nano to large jungle monthly.
Starting to consider chucking some wood in here and rearranging/losing some of the dragon rock then fill it with easy plants Anubis and a few crypts things like that keep the co2 to help things along time to start looking for wood