Well, it's been quite the journey since I last posted here, started getting into rare plants, got ahold of some species.
Unfortunately the luck since then has not increased and basically all plants i bought and propagated has died due to filamentous green algae. I've been in battle with this same algae for over a year, tried basically everything and decided to quit. Around three months ago I decided to get into the hobby again, starting with eaiser plants and just trying to have fun again. So completely reset my horrifically neglected tank and tried to reuse some of the plants to create a completely unplanned dutch Scape. The algae is still present but since I'm no longer doing high tech its growth is more manageable. I'm hoping that with some changes to make my plants more healthy I'm sure I can beat this algae once and for all!!
Plant list: Limnophila wilsonii, Buce BG2011 and Marble, Rotala Hra, Eriocaulon sp. 'vietnam', riccia, heteranthera zosterifolia, eleocharis montevidensis, crypt wendtii 'braun'.