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[IWAGUMI] My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125 (THE END)

Thanks guys, just not happy with the colour the rocks turned into, other than that I am pretty happy how its going so far with a few mishaps along the way due to me being lazy lol
Just a quick update, was not happy with the colour of the rocks, so turned up the lighting a little to get some algae in there lol now there is too much on it so turned the light down to 4x24w and only for 6 hours, plants still growing nice and healthy, a couple of shots that I took last night after a water change with only 2x24w at the back.

Gave the Staurogyne a good trim and planted it more compact, need a couple of weeks to recover now, have removed the Ludwiga and have now planted at the back just Juncus Repens and Blyxa.



Thanks for looking 🙂
Bobtastic said:
Wow! It looks amazing LD! Is it mainly Blxya at the back? It's going mental!
Thanks Bob, yep mainly Blyxa, once it gets a hold its a weed!! Now just need to fill the right side where I took out the Ludwiga. Soon enough I will have to give it away too! lol
Looking very nice and very beautiful in person, very vibrant colours. Its just that straight staurogyne line in the front. Killing me :crazy:
Wonderful fish...
Piece-of-fish said:
Looking very nice and very beautiful in person, very vibrant colours.
Thanks Ed 🙂

Piece-of-fish said:
Its just that straight staurogyne line in the front. Killing me :crazy:
I am working on that, now that its very low after the trim its even more noticeable, I will do something about it when it grows in a little more 😉

Piece-of-fish said:
Wonderful fish...
Love the little rainbows!! Might get some more on Thursday 😉
Piece-of-fish said:
Imho you need to get something dark green in there. Hehe...
Haven't found anything suitable yet! Might try some mosses in the last resort!
viktorlantos said:
Wow this looks super healthy my friend! 😉 That bushy blyxa is awesome, and the HC look very good on the front too. Looking forward to see what Juncus will add to the overall picture. Lovely tank!
Thanks Viktor, I am trying to compete with your HC but I have no chance haha its getting there but slowly, but then again I have never been in any rush with my tanks 😉
The transition from Tobis ferts to IE nearly killed my HC, but it as now recovered nicely, just have to keep on top of the water changes, I have been way too lazy, hence the more algae that I would like now on the rocks!
Some more shots with all 6x24w T5 on!




thanks for looking 😉
Love it!

Whats your dosing of NPK and Iron like? I need to up the "greenness" of my plants and your's shows the results i'm looking for.

Very lush and healthy growth. I like the minimalistic look of the tank.
flyingfish said:
Love it!
Whats your dosing of NPK and Iron like? I need to up the "greenness" of my plants and your's shows the results i'm looking for.
Many thanks, I am use JamesC all in one guide and dose 20ml per day on my 125l tank. Also I keep the CO2 very high, just under what the fish can tolerate.

fandango said:
Very lush and healthy growth. I like the minimalistic look of the tank.
Many thanks, exactly what I was trying to achieve this time, nice and simple, think so far its working. 🙂
This scape has really developed quite beautifully 🙂

The stones have a lovely aged quality to them now too.
twg said:
This scape has really developed quite beautifully 🙂

The stones have a lovely aged quality to them now too.
many thanks 🙂

Bobtastic said:
I'm sure I posted on u're recent update... Where did it go?!
Page back Bob 😉