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[IWAGUMI] My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125 (THE END)

So after a couple of weeks holiday this tank suffered a little, mainly the HC which I now have to see if I can save it, it started melting away, maybe due to the lack of ferts and lower light levels.

Photos after a water change this morning:





Thanks for looking 🙂
It is still running, but the HC carpet is gone I am afraid due to lack of time to maintain the tank as I would like, I will take a couple of photos tomorrow after a water change 😉
spyder said:
Cheers. I enjoyed following this tank. Shame about the HC.
Any plans on a rescape yet?
I might try HC again when I have more time to dedicate to the thank, there are no plans for a rescape at the moment.
MrLarner said:
Whats the name of the plant in between the HC and the rocks?
Its Staurogyne repens 😉
Saw this tank last weekend, it's looking really good with a Staurogyne carpet. The blyxa has had a massive trim as well. I must admit I was a little distracted playing with the dogs though 😉
Thanks Lisa, a quick snap with the compact, how things looks at present:



Nothing like its former self, just keeping it going for now, the usual it will evolve into something else lol
spyder said:
The Staurogyne looks nice and lush but what happened to the blyxa? :shock:
Have to replant it, was getting to tall, will take a few weeks to recover now 😉

Arana said:
Superb mate! and that Staurogyne looks awesome! :clap:
Thanks Mark 🙂

Your tank is looking really good, plants look very healthy. Do you see from time to time that old leafs of your Staurogyne are not so healthy as new ones and are being covered by green spot algae? I don't have any signs of deficiencies on my new leafs or other species, no algae on anything else (ok, maybe apart from some anubias), yet old leafs seem to suffer a bit. With my previous scape it was similar, but then the whole plant was overtaken by green spot algae, so I cut it up to the base. After couple of weeks it recovered and I have had no problems with it again, until recent rescape. Maybe I'm too impatient and should simply let it grow, not sure 🙂
One thing I've noticed, the more you cut it, the more dense and lower it grows, creating nice carpet.
Hi schraptor! many thanks 🙂
Yes this plant is prone to algae on the old leaves, lots of ferts and CO2 do help and good flow, but I also get some algae on the old leaves (but I am lazy and only perform a water change every 3-4 weeks, dose when I can remember, and haven't cleaned the filter recently either, none of these help). So true the more you prune the better it looks once recovered, the only issue is it takes 3-4 weeks to recover again after a heavy prune 😉
Hi everyone, just a quick update, this tank as been neglected quite a lot over the last few months, I haven't done any water changes since January, since that period I possibly dosed the tank 5-6 times with TPN+, but I did leave the CO2 running and reduced the light period. This weekend I decided to give the plants a prune, the staurogyne was around 20cm high and the bottom of the plant was just the stem without any leaves, so after 2 hours of pruning and replanting, this is the result. Decided not to clean the rocks, don't mind a little algae!





The Koralias are still in the tank but they haven't been turned on since Xmas. Just have to see when I get around to that water change! lol

Thanks for looking! :wave:
Is this heated or not?
Ady34 said:
Is this heated or not?

Thanks Ady, I don't run heaters on any of my tanks, since I had a problem with one and it boiled all my plants and fish I removed them all and had no problems since. Temps in the tanks never fall under 23ºC.
LondonDragon said:
Thanks Ady, I don't run heaters on any of my tanks, since I had a problem with one and it boiled all my plants and fish I removed them all and had no problems since. Temps in the tanks never fall under 23ºC.
...cool...pardon the pun!