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[IWAGUMI] My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125 (THE END)

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Just a quick update, added some Hygrophila Corymbosa "Compact" in between the Staurogyne Repens, since I was away over the weekend and forgot to get the missus to dose the tank, the Staurogyne and some of the HC melted a little bit, I gave it a quick hair cut today to encourage new growth, the new wave scissors purchased at Vivarium are awesome, the carpet is almost complete, just needs to compact a little more.




Thanks for looking, as always critiques and comments welcomed 🙂
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Excellent trimming mate, now you can prepare your basket for ye picnic 🙂

Please, please, pretty please remove equipments next time yo do the photo 😀
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

clonitza said:
Excellent trimming mate, now you can prepare your basket for ye picnic 🙂
Please, please, pretty please remove equipments next time yo do the photo 😀
Cheers 🙂 will do next time, also need to get that black background, just been lazy of late!!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Hi Paulo,it looks very nice indeed,i used the compact in my 5 footer,only problem was,it didn,t stay very compact,it grew quite tall actually,hope it stays low for you as i feel if it grows tall it wont suit your scape,

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

john starkey said:
Hi Paulo,it looks very nice indeed,i used the compact in my 5 footer,only problem was,it didn,t stay very compact,it grew quite tall actually,hope it stays low for you as i feel if it grows tall it wont suit your scape,
Thanks John, I will see how it does, if grows tall I will move it behind the rocks, and keep trimming it 😉

Any suggestion for a stem for the back? I have blyxa there but grows very slow, need something that grows much faster.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Its all grown in nicely. Look forward seeing this scape with some lovely sakura shrimp 😛
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

LondonDragon said:
john starkey said:
Hi Paulo,it looks very nice indeed,i used the compact in my 5 footer,only problem was,it didn,t stay very compact,it grew quite tall actually,hope it stays low for you as i feel if it grows tall it wont suit your scape,
Thanks John, I will see how it does, if grows tall I will move it behind the rocks, and keep trimming it 😉

Any suggestion for a stem for the back? I have blyxa there but grows very slow, need something that grows much faster.

If you want a red plant i would try ludwigia repens rubin,or rotala green if you want a green stem,

Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Scape done, time to move on :lol: ...

Ok some critics. That main stone keeps catching my eye looking a bit unstable especially the bottom part. Wish it'd be slightly thicker on the bottom. That probablly will improve when staurogyne grows taller.
I am also still missing some wild aspect to scape. Dont really know how to explain. Looks a bit to tidy. Again blyxa and stems will defo improve it.

But really nice scape and incredible growth speed.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Piece-of-fish said:
Scape done, time to move on :lol: ...
Ok some critics. That main stone keeps catching my eye looking a bit unstable especially the bottom part. Wish it'd be slightly thicker on the bottom. That probablly will improve when staurogyne grows taller.
I am also still missing some wild aspect to scape. Dont really know how to explain. Looks a bit to tidy. Again blyxa and stems will defo improve it.
But really nice scape and incredible growth speed.
Thanks Ed, I know what you mean about the main stone, the staurogyne should take care of that, just trimmed it and it decided to melt a little, its now picking up again 😉 The Blyxa is growing at the back, only 4 stems and just coming through now. The carpet it starting to take shape nicely and should have a second trim next weekend 😉

Added a black background, there are some ottos in the tank too:




Cheers 🙂
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125


I must trim my Hc, that looks perfect mate.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Well done, you're going to be tomorrows get inspired. Breath taking work big P!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks guys 🙂 its tanking shape now, but like Ed says needs something more! Went to ADC on Sat after I finished work as its close by and they didn't have any stems that really suited the tank so have to wait for the Blyxa to grow and see.
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Wow, that's a great looking Iwagumi. I love your HC and your Staurogyne. Very natural looking tank!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Should have done this originally to the photos:



Something to remember for next time 😉

Edit: On screen at work did not see the bad editing I did of the photos, so I have now updated them!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

I saw this tank in the flesh again last night and I have to say it looks so much more vibrant than it shows in photos.

Hats off to Paulo who has managed to pull off this scape with "ease". His laid back attitude and warm laughter showed he is immensly proud of this scape.

Even though he reckons it is a little symetrical 😛
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Thanks Rik, in the end it was much easier than I was anticipating, and was aiming for daily water changes for the first two weeks, but only managed 5 water changes since I started it 4 weeks ago, and only one very little trim, my new technique about HC growing has really worked a treat, when you plant it sparse at the start and the HC tends to start growing upwards and the roots float in the water, so I pressed it gently down with my hand so that the root compact to the substrate, after a couple of days they attach and start creeping along, so no need to trim it to encourage growth 😉 did this 3 times during the first two weeks and the carpet filled in nicely 🙂 result!!
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

Great tank!

I'm close to rescape mine with same plants how about Your dosing regime can You share some more information with us ??

I bought all salts needed for Toby ferts now just have to buy ADA substrate and plants
Re: My First Iwagumi - Juwel Rio 125

alzak said:
how about Your dosing regime can You share some more information with us ??
I have been playing with the ferts a little in this tank, I have been dosing Tobis ferts, both his macro and micro solutions, I dose this 10 pumps per day, which is around 10ml, every other day I also dose 8-10ml of Tropica Plant Nutrition + and on top of this I have been also dosing 10ml of EasyCarbo every other day. Once or twice a week I add a teaspoon of PO4 as well. Hope that helps. CO2 was yellow on the drop checker for the first three weeks, I have now reduced it slightly due to putting some fish in the tank, I have increased the light back to 6x24w for the past week since returning from Vivarium, low light is just boring! lol