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Is that a Damselfly nymph in my tank? HELP!!! :-0

Yikes ! just going to feed the fish this morning and noticed something on the inlet pipe, closer inspection and could see it was an adult Damsel fly just about ready to take off. 😱
Managed to net it and take a very quick blurry photo before I let it go outside, though not sure if it will survive the current 4c temps.

Thought the nymphs stayed in the tank for years, though this one clearly just emerged, do wonder how I missed seeing such large creatures on the plants when introduced 6 weeks ago.

Just a bit concerned how many more are in the tank ? :nailbiting: non of the fish appear to be troubled, though have not seen the Assassin snail since I introduced it a few weeks ago the help control the little pond snails.

I transferred some moss with Asselus aquaticus,Californian black worms and Crangonyx Pseudogracilis from my out door bucket to start food colonies for my new setup before stocking with fish.The damselfly eggs must have been in it.Ended up with 7 nymphs I caught on my prefilter sponge and fed to my SAP Puffers and another 5 hatched and were found in top of my floaters under the hood also fed to my puffers .All black worms,Crangonyx Pseudogracilis and asselus were eaten plus few juvenile red cherries.Had to restock them all.Nasty, greedy little buggers they are.
Regards Konsa

Was just watching my tank, only 6 weeks old and saw this little beasty, though could only photo its white forked tail in the center of the pic.

Though it looks like two forks to its tail in the pic, sure I could see three; it was about 15mm long, white in colour with two small black eyes.

Seen mention in this post of a bottle trap but wondered if anyone has use other methods to catch them ?

Though I do not have any shrimps, did recently add some little dwarf Corys, just 15-20mm, will they be safe with this Damsel nymph around ?

It it likely there will be more Nymphs around or do they typically just turn up alone ?

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Damsel nymphs have three tail appendages that look rather like little feathery leaves. That forked tail doesn’t look like a damsel nymph. I know these things from being a fly fisherman for 40 years and also tying my own flies, many of which represent damsel nymphs.

Though only two apparent in the photo, as mentioned, the nymph did have three tails .

Thankfully it stayed in the crown of that crypt so I could get a siphon tube running and sucked it out first time , . lucky 🙂

With that one actually hatching into a fly just a couple of days later , wonder what else is in the tank ! - but being a new tank. they can only have come from the plants but clearly I must have missed any signs of eggs or wiggly things ...
Are we not looking at and emerged adult?? I think the pic shows the body, lower, and the folded wings, upper. I've had them emerge into my lounge before, just like that.
I have had a few in my tank over the last couple of months. Most of the nymphs I’ve been able to catch and take out. Have seen a couple of adult damsels in the house but I’m hoping these have not bred and relaid eggs. I have soooo many cherry shrimp in the tank at the moment (I rescued about 100 tiny ones from the filter last week) that I doubt I’d miss a few.