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Is that a Damselfly nymph in my tank? HELP!!! :-0

Don't try to catch it, just kill it by cutting it in half with scissors...that's what I did...they try to hide and this will give you a chance to get it and just cut...sounds brutal but that's nature for you.

I had the bugger very close to my scissor but escaped. Due to the heavy plant load it's a hide n seek we're playing. A photo of the tank taken this morning. 1bae6c3c6007346c5743489abe491cdc.jpg

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That's going to be difficult to even find the little bugg'rrrr..... love your tank though, can't blame the guy for liking it there

Thanks. So nice of you. 🙂

Hi ian_m
Ok!! you got laughing so hard I ran out of breath. :lol:
Making someone laugh is gift and you have got it:thumbup:

Oh and by the way, I asked a few LFS for the suitecase nuke, it seems, they don't have stock right now.😛
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Oh and by the way, I asked a few LFS for the suitecase nuke, it seems, they don't have stock right now
Should be back in stock soon, as the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 allowed them to be made again.

Also this is very effective, but has a light side effect on other animals present, as well as you having extreme supply difficulties.
On a more serious note, make a bottle trap. Search Google images for "fish bottle trap" to get the idea. I've done it to catch a clown loach, using a coke bottle, neck cut away to make larger entrance hole and some food in the bottle. Attach string lift out when prey is on bottle.

You could make quite a few to better your chances of capture, however you will need to monitor as I suspect the traps will also catch your shrimp.

There is a video on UkApps somewhere of a nymph scoffing a fish that someone filmed in their tank.
There is a video on UkApps somewhere of a nymph scoffing a fish that someone filmed in their tank.

Thanks for the tip. Sounds similar to what member prdad posted a while back.

As for the video, yeah I have seen it. It's like the Top Ten videos. Seems very popular in many forumes.
I can already see it "And the nominees for the category Being A Pain In The Butt are: damselfly nymph from Raffik's tank, damselfly nymph from the popular YouTube clip........ And the winner is......" :lol:
Hi Everyone,🙂
At last, I managed to catch the Damselfly Nymph from my tank this evening.:clap:
He was hiding among the Christmas moss. Netted it and a made short video of it.
Sadly I can see that he has eaten one or two Red Cherry Shrimps judging from the reddish colour in his translucent abdomen.:arghh:
After reading the benefits it has on the ecosystem, I didn't kill it but rather released it into a pond nearby my home.
Will keep a look out if there are more in my tank but I don't think so.Fingers crossed.:nailbiting:

Cheers and take care.

Hi everyone,

This what I saw near the spot where I caught him or her near the moss plant.
I think the reason I was able to catch the guy easily was because he was happily munching away on my beloved Red Cherry Shrimp.:arghh:
The photo below is of the half eaten shrimp. And judging from the size of the shrimp. the small nymph was tackling something bigger than him. Its was like a "BIG MAC" for that guy.:lol:

Well done!!! Fingers crossed it was the only one in there
Nope! there was one more. I found it inside the Eheim skimmer where it was helping itself to a shrimplet which managed to get inside.:banghead:

Today henceforth, I declare war on these nymphs.:jimlad:
If I can catch them easily, then I shall most kindly release them into the pond :angelic:


If they're stubborn then I'm sorry! :dead:

Good day

Just a quick update.
Till now, it seems there are no more nymphs in the tank. Yahooooo!:joyful:

good job 🙂 I am absolutely paranoid about these things now; after discovering some in my 10 litre, and even in my large 350 litre.

Was just watching my tank, only 6 weeks old and saw this little beasty, though could only photo its white forked tail in the center of the pic.

Though it looks like two forks to its tail in the pic, sure I could see three; it was about 15mm long, white in colour with two small black eyes.

Seen mention in this post of a bottle trap but wondered if anyone has use other methods to catch them ?

Though I do not have any shrimps, did recently add some little dwarf Corys, just 15-20mm, will they be safe with this Damsel nymph around ?

It it likely there will be more Nymphs around or do they typically just turn up alone ?
