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IAPLC 2013 - Results are out!

Are you entering the IAPLC 2013?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That is what we want! That is the only reason why I submitted my tank -to boost the numbers up 🙂
Well done all, especially to Stu and Ed! 🙂

UK Results -

82 - Stu Worrall
86 - Eduard Gercog
158 - James Starr-Marshall
175 - Tony Swinney
380 - Iain Sutherland
432 - Damien Zysk
523 - Andrew Mack
626 - Ian Holdich
766 - George Farmer
826 - Andrew Ward
1564 - Ted Eales
1647 - Gary Nelson
1658 - Mike Appleby
1680 - OP

Apologies if I've missed any - I thought there were 21 UK entries.