Nice pic too!😉
Hi Alexander, its Echinodorus reni - been there ever since I dry started in December. I initially thought it would grow out the top of the tank but it looks like it will keep fairly smallish (at least at the moment).echinodorus behind the wood
what's the fern in the great photo in post #108
No, it looks like a vascular plant, you'll need to let it grow, but it may be an Epilobium sp.Does anyone know what this new plant is erupting out of my twig moss? Is it just the moss changing?
I think if it has survived outside it must be Hart's-tongue Fern (Asplenium scolopendrium), because all the other ferns with similar undivided fronds (Asplenium nidus etc.) are tropical.Its parent has grown really well outside in a wet, sheltered position for the past four years. I think it looks like a common old hart's tongue but knowing the palm centre it's something much more exotic
Yeah I know what you mean, It's putting out ever larger leaves at an ever increasing pace. The little green neons absolutely love it and use it like a base to nip out exploring. I think it makes them feel secure.I'm scared by your echinodorus. 🙂
Thanks Darrel, I’m definitely going let it grow and quite excited to see what it grows into lets hope its something really interesting and flowers. I’ve been amazed at what just appears in my tank with my bug hunt thread - at this rate I’m going to have to start a plant version.No, it looks like a vascular plant, you'll need to let it grow, but it may be an Epilobium sp.
Looks like Utricularia graminifolia on that photo.New photo this morning - seems to be growing slowly but steadily: