The guys just being a maverick, doing things differently, and I'm totally down for that. This journal is a nice change from scapes with tetras etc.
Okay, so being a maverick implies housing fish that are known escape artists in an open top tank?
An open tank that is btw way too small for a group fish (even for a single fish).Better be there and have godspeed when they start to fight in there...
Too small a tank but also a tank that is totally unfit for the species (plantwise, lightwise, scapewise, "lid"wise...).
So being maverick also means that he is going to prove everybody wrong by coupling (and even breeding this) (specificly hard to breed) species in a totally unadapted, unsuited tank?
He will teach them not to try and escape the tank by leaving it open, overstocking it and put a high light above it and by avoiding surface plantation.
Is that the strategy to keep a fish, known for his ability to find any small opening for escaping, in the tank?
Willingly risking the lifes of the fish, also doing that 'maverickstyléé'?
The first batch goes wrong, terribly wrong, what to do?
'Nuke the tank and then start again, and do it in exactely the same way' ol'maverick says?
Doing those things "differently" in this case doesn't strike me as innovating, it doesn't give me the feeling of "a nice change from scapes with tetra's" at all, sorry to say...
It's more like doing things the wrong way which is not really impressive to me even if it involves a different approach, wrong way stays the wrong way...
I said before: if you keep a fish like that, well knowing the pressure humans put on the species, at least do it good! Inform yourself, make a suitable tank. Saying that it is specific for their needs doesn't make it suited automatically. It is still an unsuited tank on so many levels that it is hard to pick one...
I'll pick one anyway, just for fun: I should not be pointing out to OP that an open tank is not really the way to go, OP should know that if he informs just a tiny bit about this fish's needs. And it's not a detail once your snakeheads dry out somewhere between tank and door...
And, yeah yeah here I go again, once again i want to remind you that i said that making mistakes is okay. But throwing a new and "healthy" fish in a crashing tank with melting fish (MELTING FISH, that is not so common i think?) to see how it goes is just abuse, it's not a mistake if you know the outcome before you make the mistake.
Then it is called a "decision", a sentence to death by melting away if you want....
You may be totally down for that,
personally i GET totally down from reading this journal...