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Golden cobra snakehead group tank

ok so how do i prevent that happening next time around? why isn't my fluval 406 enough?

There's no way you can keep snakeheads in that size tank, not even one...I am afraid.
If you're not intending to add any large fish, you should be fine. I personally overfilter every tank I have, flow in low tech tanks over 10X roughly provides plentiful biological filtration, plus plants.
There's no way you can keep snakeheads in that size tank, not even one...I am afraid.
If you're not intending to add any large fish, you should be fine. I personally overfilter every tank I have, flow in low tech tanks over 10X roughly provides plentiful biological filtration, plus plants.

plenty of people do so not sure what makes you say that?
plenty of people do so not sure what makes you say that?

Its a personal opinion. A 15-16 inch long fish, quite wide and big won't do well in a 4 footer. Its just too much bioload, especially not with just one external filter. You need more like a sump rather than external filters. Personally I would not attempt them in a tank that size. However, if you do decide to go ahead, I'd first think of upping the filtration. Then I'd add just a couple of snakeheads, and no other fish that can serve as snacks, ideally while the snakeheads are still young and small so the fish, tank and you can adapt to the increasing bioload as needed. And start a large water change regime 50% once, twice a week. Then you may have some success, if the mere adult size of the snakehead in a 4 footer doesn't bother you.
unfortunately you need to add them in groups to establish a mating pair. maybe i'll look into building a sump. runs to youtube...

i'm hoping to have a bigger tank by the time they outgrow it in a year or 2.
The ones you added had already outgrown your tank before they even started their journey.
I advise get the tank first, then the fish. A new big tank costs quite a bit of money, plus the space to house it.
Have you thought of an indoor tropical pond? It will cost you way less. I have a round tropical pond for my clown loaches.

Also, adding a group may end up in carnage, and even if you get a pair, one can still kill the other...during spawning...

Yes, people seem to keep them in small tanks. Look at that video below....poor fish....
dont worry i'll be upgrading the tank in due course to an 8 foot tank, but for a bunch of 4 inch juvies the 4 footer will suffice for quite some time. the ones i had before were 8-9 inches and they had plenty of room.

adding a group always ends in total carnage as pairing involves the lovestruck couple killing all the inhabitants of the tank. but i'll be netting the losers and re homing them
I'm confused. Didn't all the Channa aurantimaculata die, have you bought some more? £15 is pretty cheap but it's probs that cheap because these fish are from around your way. I bet in the UK there much more expensive, I'd be interested to know if anyone on this thread that lives in the UK has ever seen them for sale and at what price?



So I have a lot of these free floating white fungal looking spores. Any idea the cause? Prior to adding the aurantis I had a totally clean tank no algae at all no detritus. Now I have seen an increase in both. I dropped some arowana pellets in yesterday. Today they sit uneaten at the bottom with that white fungus around them.
So I have a lot of these free floating white fungal looking spores. Any idea the cause? Prior to adding the aurantis I had a totally clean tank no algae at all no detritus. Now I have seen an increase in both. I dropped some arowana pellets in yesterday. Today they sit uneaten at the bottom with that white fungus around them
Its going to be really difficult to maintain the tank with these fish and the amount of food that probably goes along with it.
The fish look great though. Perhaps you need to siphon food out as soon as they're finished? Otherwise it will get worse. Its maybe be time to chuck in another filter that acts mostly as mechanical filtration and protect the other via a pre-filter sponge. Clean them both often. I can't imagine keeping these fish in a soil tank...It must be a mess. Apart from that the fish must appreciate the greenery....
My apologies for not reading through all of this thread but I am on board with Sciencefiction if this is dirt or soil based tank.
Bout all you can do other than provide good flow/filtration throughout, is frequent water changes of at least 50%.(maybe twice a week as fishes grow larger.
Will need to keep filter material clean more often maybe once a month to start ,and see what the material look's like.
Would maybe only feed these fishes once every other day or every two day's.
Earthworms,Frozen krill,Talapia bits, frozen shrimp or prawn, Keep rotating the pellet foods every now and then but maybe floating ones, that can be netted out if uneaten after a half hour.(No feeder fishes)
Between food's,fish poo,soil based tank ,and fishes movement throughout while foraging,or squabbling as they reach sexual maturity,good flow to keep particulates in water column for filtration to grab is preferable to allowing the crap to collect on the substrate .Is why the suggestion of keeping filter material clean in old tank water during water changes or bucket of dechlorinated water along with maybe twice weekly 50 % water changes.
Rig up a small pump and hose to move the water for it is way easier than moving water with bucket's.
They are some handsome fishes But were it me,(and it ain't) I might place them in larger tank sooner and perhaps more of a river stream theme rather than soil based planted tank.
Could still use plant's attached to wood or stones like anubia and or ferns as well as floating plants.
Would want large marble size substrate of no more than two inches to make cleaning the substrate more effective.
agree also with another filter like the one you have presently which will make part's,media,interchangeable.
Good O2 level's critical IMHO