The trees they've come off are nowhere near as big as Elms lol 🙂
Possibly cherry ?
Definitely cherry.Good shout! Cherry sounds right,
I take it your adding the leaves because of nutrients they will release as there broken down? can you add them to any tank? I have pretty much an unlimited supply of leaves
I'm goin to try this also as I have a shrimp and a betta, will this do anything to fresh water limpets or snails as I have a few in the tank and would like to keep them
If i was to collect leaves now, is it much of a drama? Under the top layer of leaves in my area im finding intact whole leaves.
Oh, I am so jealous. I've been searching for an unpolluted area here to find oak leaves and I couldn't(at least there are none nearby my sofa 🙄)
I got a few bags sent to me last year and I still have lots left. I prefer them to the almond leaves which break down pretty fast and in high flow tanks the dust from them covered everything. I suppose because I dump enough to cover the entire bottom...thankfully the ph stays rock solid if you use liquid rock water. Oak leaves last for ages for me(if there are no shrimp to eat them) and they don't seem to make the same mess as the almonds. I have to try some beach leaves too.