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OK I wasn't aware of a winter slow down. Would this still happen in a heated tank? There are females with eggs as well.
I keep my RCS at 24 deg so that I can put the fully grown ones (eventually) into my main 137ltr set up without having to acclimatise them temperature wise. Perhaps the shorter natural day light length may be having an effect. The tank is only artificially lit for six hours. I just got some Almond leaves the other day which I hear help with young survival rates so only time will tell. TBH on both my tanks I would prefer not to use Glute. It goes against my natural thinking adding such a powerful toxic chemical but it's just such an easy way of correcting problems it's hard to put down. I am currently lowering the dose in my main tank hoping to eventually stop using it. I'm away quite a lot so at times my daughter does my dosing and I don't really like her handling the glute being only ten.
Already doing it, with being away quite often I don't always dose LC anyway. It's on my office desk with no one to dose which I have found doesn't cause much of a problem. I just feed up the critters well before I go which is generally no more than four or five days tops. Currently looking for a cheap co2 reg to go with a FE if anyone's got one, preferably with solenoid but not that fussed. Emphasis on cheap 😀
How long do the off-the-shelf 2% solutions say they can be stored for? I'm just wondering about people saying this polymerises over time and "goes off", and I was wondering whether this was just a technicality or whether it was a real thing to be concerned about?

Just having a look on bonnymans at the chemical and bottles.
Would be interested to hear the results of this. Mainly the shelf life of the full 50% bottle. I only mix mine in 500ml so if the mixed stuff goes off quite quick I'll just mix smaller bottles. In the case of the 50% original bottle I wonder how long that is good for. Due to my tanks size the one I have will last for years so it would probably be in my interests to flog some on.
I had an opened (and not particularly well sealed) bottle of easycarbo that had sat around for 6 months. Dosed 5ml in a 60L and it melted some vallis fast. I guess this means its shelf life is actually quite good.
My Glut has arrived! Just got to wait until the weekend now to get some safety goggles and then get outside in the daylight to dilute it down and start using 🙂. Going to make a 1.5% solution (1litre), and then consign the 50% bottle back to a corner of the garage well out of harm's way!
  1. Add 30mL of 50% Glutaraldehyde to the 1000mL container.
  2. Use 970mL RO/DI water to fill the rest of the container
  3. Dose it!
My Glutaraldehyde came today from bonnymans, I just went outside 2 hours ago and used a syringe to put 15ml in a 500ml pepsi bottle then topped it up with water from the brita filter. I just held my breath whilst doing it, it wasn't bad at all.
My Glutaraldehyde came today from bonnymans, I just went outside 2 hours ago and used a syringe to put 15ml in a 500ml pepsi bottle then topped it up with water from the brita filter. I just held my breath whilst doing it, it wasn't bad at all.

Be careful, it's just not the fumes from this stuff, it really is unpleasant (most of my family is medical, so I've sought their advice in handling this!). I'd say stick some goggles on in future just in case, and nitrile gloves for your hands. Other than that you should be ok doing it outside if you're sensible.
i mixed mine about a week ago, totally ignored the Health and Safety advice that everyone gave because it was raining and snowing outside, mixed it in the kitchen over the oven with the hood extractor on and used a syringe to extract it from the 50% bottle, as i was squeezing the syringe into the water i manage to spill it over my had, so ran cool water over it for about 2min no adverse effect but it did make me panic,

This does not mean that its ok to do what i have done, just use common sense. the kitchen was the 2nd best place i had to do it using the hood extractor
Will LC fluctuations cause BBA, or is BBA only attributable to CO2 fluctuations rather than C?
Will LC fluctuations cause BBA, or is BBA only attributable to CO2 fluctuations rather than C?
I would say the plants utilise a carbon source for healthy growth.....with fluctuating levels they don't grow as healthily which results in algae. Fluctuating lc will be as bad for the plants as fluctuating gas so if you have bba, then this will most likely be the issue.
I was just planning my strategy. I think removing plants is the best bet then, otherwise I'll kill the algae only to have it come back due to fluctuations when I stop dosing!