Another new Garden job...
🙂 Named Pimp my Cast Iron Antique Water Pump..
It's going to be placed behind a ½ wine barrel water filled and planted. There will be some extra piping and a little electric pump mounted as if the old pump is running.
Base color stays Hammerite black..
🙂 But the Swan at the sprout is going to be painted Hammerite White, black striping and with an orange beak, as realistic as possible.
For the rest the striping, lettering and the handles ornamental leave decoration will be painted with Hammerite Copper.
Restored Kitsch to the max, this pump is asking for it, it has so manny ornamental decoration that needs to be accentuated...
But still a lot of work..
The old Oak wooden plank it was mounted to.. It was that Old Barndoor green color. Why did people ever use that paint.. It's awfull.. I'm cleaning the paint off and varnish it with a clear dark oak color. It takes time, i like to do things the old fashion way, flame toarch, a bottle of Natrium hidroxyde, scratcher and sand papper. Not using electrical tools is so much more fun and more satisfying. It kinda brings me back in time and feel what the old craftsman back then felt. Putting some real ellbow greass into it.
🙂 I'll keep you posted on the results..
Unfortenately it is not mine and will move to another garden when i'm done.. But i'll test run it on my barrel, just for the fun of it for a few weeks..