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Get your garden out


21 Mar 2013
I don't have a garden at the moment, the rabbit has eaten the small amount we do have and seeing as spring has sprung as it where who wants to share some pics?

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I'd love too but my garden is one massive work in progress. I need to hire a mini digger to level it all off, I need to buy a new shed, I need to replace some fence panels and posts AND my back gate from where they blew down in the storms a while back, and that's just in the back garden. I did manage to get the mower out at the weekend and cut the grass though, once I'd spent ages cleaning the spark plug and getting the bugger running again.

My roses out the front are starting to go great guns now though 🙂

I'll pop some pics up of the back tomorrow.

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How mine looks this morning. Pouring rain...
Originaly it looked like the garden on the right. It had a gravel strip up the left side which I decided to lift and put a border in. Lifted all the gravel to find there was a tarmac path underneath 🙁 . Not to be deterred I got the pickaxe out and dug holes through the tarmac until I hit soil ( about 6inches) and then planted the shrubs and covered with bark chip and a few log piles for the frogs and bugs. That was 6 yrs ago.

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Lindy isn't it annoying when people just cover things up instead of doing it properly we dug old motor bike parts up and car bits up in our garden when we started and it was all concrete.
Lindy isn't it annoying when people just cover things up instead of doing it properly we dug old motor bike parts up and car bits up in our garden when we started and it was all concrete.

Isn't it just!

I've got 1 bit of carpet and 1 bit of underlay, carpet is about 5ft square and the underlay about 10ft x 5ft. They were dug up from the garden last year, and were used to cover up about a ton of rubble! Also found a 10ft x 3ft crazy paving patio under some of the grass!

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We filled 3 of these trailers with concrete,my wife's pretty good with a sledge hammer and barrow. She's not one to watch me work. na8emyry.jpg after 3 weeks cutting our way into the garden it still looked like this. We had that many fires the slabs underneath exploded and fired the bin into the air. a9usadem.jpgunu7azur.jpg just ignore my builders bum and focus on the guns 😀 the pond in my first post. Sorry all I tried flipping the pics only to make them worse.🙁
Pics as promised..........

Front garden, complete with horrid Pampus grass ( I want the damn thing gone! ) and driveway. No close ups of little border area as it's nothing to show off yet.


Here is the back, hard standing ( 13ft x 8ft ) for new shed when I've got enough money for it. Currently used as a dumping ground for stuff to go in skip


The full length, all 125ft of it.


Current patio area and shed, she's will be going and I'm hoping to level it all off and get it decked. My take me a while though as it's gonna cost a small fortune!


As I said, it's one massive WIP.

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Wow Wallace, I'd love to land scape that huge potential. Nice.
Huge potential Kirk, just a huge amount of work too. We've lived here about a year and a half now, but last year was spent trying to tidy the front garden up a little bit and also paying for our wedding. This year I'm hoping to get out the back a whole heap more and really get stuck into it and turn it into something nice.

I'm getting sick to death of looking out the back door or windows and seeing a horrible garden, I get very depressed by it. I'm hoping to get a decent size pond in there, that will have to wait for another year though I think.

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Well Kirk I didn't did up all the tarmac. It would have filled a skip so I dug up some and the covered the rest. It killed my back doing the bit I did.

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Thing is with garden is they eat up cash fast, materials arnt cheap.(£ 85 for a jumbo bag of screened top soil here😱) Most of the stuff in our garden was free, cheap or as they call it now up cycled. We have two pond but now the kids are more sensible well as sensible as they are going to get owning some of my genetics I want a deeper pond to put koi in.[DOUBLEPOST=1395328318][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well Kirk I didn't did up all the tarmac. It would have filled a skip so I dug up some and the covered the rest. It killed my back doing the bit I did. 🙂 Sometimes we have to sweep things under the rug lindy eh, my back let's me down too regularly. can be very frustrating especially when it's water change day and it's locked up and in spasm .🙂 anyway I'm all over this thread I'll sit back and let others get a word in. I love gardening " come on summer"
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It's either a bit early or a bit too late for my garden, ATM.
Snowdrops, gone over.No spring stuff appearing yet, apart from the Daff's
Did pull the last of the carrots at the weekend though

Interesting carrot.....
Well I've made some somewhat unexpected progress today, my wife found a little pond for sale on Facebook last night and it was only 20 mins away from us. So we went and collected it this morning.

It is 5ft x 3ft, and about 3 1/2 ft at its deepest. Not exactly the size of pond I'd envisaged but it's a start. She knew exactly where she wanted it too.

Here's a pic of the development so far.


Need to do a lot more work, and I've made use of some of the carpet that was buried that I mentioned in an earlier post.

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Why don't you just dig a big hole and line it? My grandpa did that and then sunk a bath in the middle so it was about 5ft deep in the middle. Lined the outer hole with carpet ant then laid a liner over the lot. That was an amazing pond...

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