Bumper crop, must be a mast year. But no net? I used to live in a former cherry growing region in Essex. About this time of year some of the remaining trees would be covered in netting otherwise the birds'd eat 'em all...the cherries that is.
I took this one this morning, the pond has gone from about <"1/3 Azolla coverage to about 70%"> in ~10 days.The pond had developed a bit of filamentous green algae bloom, so I've put a few spare floaters on it. So far they aren't really enjoying life, other then the hitchhiking Azolla.
Hi all, I took this one this morning, the pond has gone from about <"1/3 Azolla coverage to about 70%"
Mine came from the restored section of the <"Wilts & Berks canal">, but as far as I know whatever they are sold as (or collected from) they are <"Azolla filiculoides">.Hi Darrel, do you know which species of azolla you have there? I had a couple of little bits that hitchhiked on something and they over wintered fine.
The only sure method of distinguishing this species from Azolla filiculoides is to examine the trichomes on the upper surfaces of the leaves. Trichomes are small protuberances that create water resistance. They are unicellular in A. filiculoides but septate (two-celled) in A. cristata (syn. A. carolinana).
Mine do that, because we use them for a practical I now know that the large green plants are the ones with <"nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria"> present.They were bright red all summer but as the weather has got sunnier they have changed to green.
Compost it?I know azolla filicuoides is no longer allowed here and just wondered if that's what I have, so I know where to put the excess.
I think identifying any of them to species is a microscope job.saw some for sale on eBay that was listed as another species but was just wondering how practical it was for the average hobbyist to identify, or whether they were just claiming it was that species because the other is banned
It had been really dry (in Corsham), but we've had a reasonable amount of rain now and my water butts are pretty much back to full.Looks fab!
Are you guys suffering a lack of rain? We are, it has been almost three weeks since a half decent downpour.
My rain water butts are down 3/4 and the grass is turning to straw .
I used some cinnamon powder over the wet paint for a rusty effect.