I ain't got a clue mate. The last time I had her out was about a year ago. And the pan net was on the floor. With the weight.How much do you think he would weigh Fred?
I agree 100% with you mate and thanks for the advice. sounds good. great info as always. I am afraid I have already bought the stuff.Hi Fred, i am sure you trickle filter will work well.
I am a huge fan of this type of filter, I used to make my own version from fiberglass. I use parcel packing tape to fill the filter, the black hard plastic tape used to secure large boxes .
The tape can be bought in huge rolls for about £50 and would be enough to fill 3-4 trickle towers.
The type of filter media you have bought will work fine but is massively expensive.
Hi Fred, i am sure you trickle filter will work well.
I am a huge fan of this type of filter, I used to make my own version from fiberglass. I use parcel packing tape to fill the filter, the black hard plastic tape used to secure large boxes .
The tape can be bought in huge rolls for about £50 and would be enough to fill 3-4 trickle towers.
The type of filter media you have bought will work fine but is massively expensive.
Nice one mate. I did nt know you still looked after ponds. I knew you had a pond and koi. And you built them in your earlierI can see that would be a huge benefit Fred, of course three speed pumps have been around for a long time but having this type of modern technology is great .
Some of my customers are running three kilowatt swimming pool pumps on their Koi ponds but sometimes you need that sort of power to feed large waterfalls.
Things are always moving on in life at least they were up until now!
At least you have something to do at home.
I still have two maintenance contracts and I have managed to get permission to work on theses ponds as I will be working on my own in an open environment.
However I have not been to either as yet but I need to change the UV bulbs and check things over.
Good on you mate. You have to have some thing to do later on in life. My hobbies are fish and my dog patch. I go out with patchI am sort of semi retired Fred, i would get to board without a bit of work.
I was a manager of a large Koi farm here in Guernsey in the 1980s and early 90s then i stated a hard landscape business specialising in Japanese features and koi ponds.
I have no idea how many ponds we built but there were a few very high budget ones, some still exist, some were filled in some are now used as swimming pools and I have just two that i regularly maintain.
Nice one. It just shows. How you have a conversation. And something happens like that lolHi Fred funny enough I found an old roll of that packing tape in my shed, it will work very well in a trickle tower filter as once opened up and loaded in the filter, the surface area is huge but perhaps the main benefit over the ceramic medias
is that it wont clog up!
Also the tape offers an extremely long path for the dripping water as once it is unraveled into the chamber it becomes a huge tangled mass that directs the water flow into a never ending flow pattern.
30 years ago the tape was all the rage in the Koi world and was used for biological filtration and mechanical filtration.
However the advertising would say it was very easy to remove and clean with a hose, but from my experience the tape would be almost impossible to handle without getting covered in dirt from head to toe ha ha ...
I can remember the first time we removed the two miles of tape from a big ponds first stage filter, it had worked very well but was covered in a thin layer of brown slime, because the tape is so springy it literally sprayed everything within 6’ so the pond, the decking the lawn and the workmen were just cover in brown spots that took a day to clean up!
We only used it for the last stage after that experience.!
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That is a great post.the surface area is huge but perhaps the main benefit over the ceramic medias is that it wont clog up!
Also the tape offers an extremely long path for the dripping water as once it is unraveled into the chamber it becomes a huge tangled mass that directs the water flow into a never ending flow pattern.
However the advertising would say it was very easy to remove and clean with a hose, but from my experience the tape would be almost impossible to handle without getting covered in dirt from head to toe ha ha ...
I can remember the first time we removed the two miles of tape from a big ponds first stage filter, it had worked very well but was covered in a thin layer of brown slime, because the tape is so springy it literally sprayed everything within 6’ so the pond, the decking the lawn and the workmen were just cover in brown spots that took a day to clean up!