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Journal Freds new pond build

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cheers alto. will do mate. was nt much to show during winter time . I have them 3 fish in my grow on QT. have nt made my mind up when to add them to the pond.
they have not grown as quickly as I wanted. so may give them another year in the QT grow on. to grow quicker. as they get fed four times a day. where as in the pond twice a day.
my last lot grew quite large quickly. where as this 3 have been slow in growth.
the only thing to add was I had to repair the shute waterfall, the fiber glass started to lift. so I repaired this with ( ideal seal ms290 ) bloody good stuff. you can apply it under water.
had to do a wee bit of sanding first to give it a key to bond to. also replaced a gate valve on my easy pod. that's basicly it on on what was going on through the winter. them gate valves are known to leak
so I will eventually put a ball valve on the easy pod filter. I will put some photos up of repairs if I can find them on my phone. I know we all love good old photo s , I know I do.
take care mate fred
Grandpa's Pond still looks like a charme and like build yesterday.. 🙂 Good to hear new pond syndrome is in the past. Never realized that a pond that size would take that long to fully mature.

Nice Iris BTW pretty large alread, good bunch of roots.. :thumbup:

I can recomend Thelypteris palustris.. 🙂 Bog Fern.. Winter hard and grows from 30 cm depth if fully matured.. Nice big boy in the summer..
hi zozo mate good to hear from you. I have been following you bathtub thread mate. love it. yeah with a outside pond mate its down to tempretures, once you get it there , when winter comes it dies off. and then when spring comes you build the bio colonies back up. the more it matures the quicker it builds up. so this year once it hits 14c or 15c it will be say a week. where as when first built. it could take say 3 months. by that time winter is back on us. like take now this is the worst time for the koi as its at
Aeromonas alley read this mate. i learned lots of this bloke. and he will help you always. http://www.mankysanke.co.uk/html/aeromonas_alley.html
some koi ponds take 18 months. mine took 2 years. to mature fully. if it was heated to 15c. it would keep the bio colonie forever. so sat a fish tank or my grow on because there heated keep there maturity.
i know you know most of this mate. hope it helps others
As promised. Found photos of repairs. Blow the photo s up to be seen better. If you look hard you can see fiber glass lifting on water shutec37c396ae31bffb5a42a8ffd795e2ecc.jpg

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Then i sanded down and used this.
Can be used under water. Good stuff. Sticks anything. Also fish friendly.ecb8b83a96d309ee59d72161a3280012.jpg

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Now the slide valve. Used ptf tape on thread. As its 50mm threaded male valve. New valve. Thats on my waste line to drains

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The old valve. I stripped this. And
The gate had a nick in it.
So unrepairable.
All the best fred3a883d486c9f0b1d9f16a4d87f4a37d9.jpg

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And one of the iris . They are brilliant. Love them. Also Dutch rush.f79370cb6dd8ad8e52576c273801edb0.jpg

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This is reason for new plant pots
They have out grown there pots.

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You see this line. I put it in for winter.
To bypass upper pond. When covers went on. To turn shute waterfall off
To keep the chill out.
Was going to dismantle this line for summer.and put a stopper on.
As i did nt want a deadleg. For bad bacteria to hide. No need to now.
As played with ball ball valve. It flows out of top pond and the winter line as well. I did nt think it would flow out both ends. I thought one line would air lock.
So great can keep flow going. So no bad bacteria. Result.

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Grandpa's Pond still looks like a charme and like build yesterday.. 🙂 Good to hear new pond syndrome is in the past. Never realized that a pond that size would take that long to fully mature.

Nice Iris BTW pretty large alread, good bunch of roots..

I can recomend Thelypteris palustris.. 🙂 Bog Fern.. Winter hard and grows from 30 cm depth if fully matured.. Nice big boy in the summer..
I will look into some of them mate

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I will look into some of them mate

If you have a hard time finding some, llet me know i can send some cuttings half way the summer. They grow like mad, also take off very early in the year. As soon as temps rice above 5°C it shows new shoots, 5 days temps at 15° it starts to take off.. 🙂 Above water that is in the trickle filter.. 15°C water temp takes a bit longer. But not all has to be planted submersed. All terrestrial ferns in my garden are still alseep, March fern already happily growing 10 cm new shoots.

That's what ponds need imho, very early starters. Potentilla palustris :thumbup: same story starts rocking the boat early march.. Another Eriophorrum angustifolium/cotton grass, pretty short foreground grass already in bloom for 2 weeks now.. :clap: While te rest is still snorring..
Cheers for the offer mate. Repotted a couple of my palms yesteday two more to go. Have to get some more grow on soil. As no soil in my backway.
Then reuse them pots for my upper pond ferns.
Then jobs a good un.

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couple of weeks ago I notice 2 of my fish trying for the Olympic games. I mean they where leaping out of the water about a foot in height, so I instantly knew some thing was wrong.
so the first I did was test all the water parameters. all where good PH good Nitrite Good. Ammonia good, Nitrate good. KH good. plus I tested the tap water. chlorine all good.
so it was time to scrape the fish and put slides under the micro scope.

this is what I found about 12 of them. a skin fluke
so time for the treatment first of all I noticed the mucus was very thick on both fish I scraped. so I had to take the mucus of the body of the fish, so I used chloromine T
2 days of this went in the pond

then after a 30% water change I added fluke M. a 7day course of treatment. I did it again to make sure. so 7 days 30% water change then 7 days. so twice = 14 days
got the same two fish and all was clear
then I noticed the fish did nt look right at all. scraped a couple more. and found I had white spot. which is bad for koi carp
so after another 30% water change I added FM& G mix

a 5 day course. so after scraping again. the fish are now parasite free.
this year I don t know why but a lot of koi ponds are getting more then one type of infestation. a lot are getting flukes and costia
my fish are all well now. so fingers crossed that's it.
How do they get it?.. Bird Poop?...
Alot get it when adding new fish.
Which is not that in my case. The fish i have now that are new. Are in my QT. Grow tank and have never been in the pond.
So yes mate birds bring some.
On there feathers and as you say bird poop.
Also i believe some can develope in bad bacteria. Like i believe costia.
Dirty pond floors. Dirty filters.
I emptyed my filters to have a look for dead spots.
And they was spotless. Also cleaned my top pond out. Before adding treatments. In koi ponds flukes are common. But white spot is not. Hoover for hoovering pond floor. All my bio and cleaning media
K1 and helx13


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