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Journal Freds new pond build

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I would love to do something like this in future. I think that despite it being lots of work it's amazing. Hope you get it right. Best wishes.
Annabellam thanks for that. If you go in pond builds. You will see my main new pond. We have done it before. So i have faith. Ha ha. It actually is not hard to do. Just like wall papering. And use heavy roller and heavy brush. Work from centre out. And that takes air bubbles out. Some people use a metal roller at the end. But no need if gear is heavy enough
The speed and the mix is the secret. You paste board first or wall. Place mat fiber on. Then roller out. While that sheet is wet. Then put your second sheet on top while still wet. And roller more resin on top. Then move on. 10cm overlap. Next two. And so on. Then do the floor last. Easy

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Nelson zozo ian m thanks. All the best fred. Doing drainage from shed tomorrow

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Nelson zozo Ian m Lindy London dragon green finger. Kipper. Thanks to you all. And anyone I have missed thanks.
The glassing will now be left for 3 or 4 days. I am speeding it up with heaters in there. Went in after 3 hours and it was rock hard. So a nice job.
Next stage today. Is to drill a couple of holes. Run some 11/2 ribbed hose out underground and t piece into my drain system in the filter house. Easy. Jobs a good un
Then after a few days fill up with tap water let it settle over night check for leaks. Empty. That's it washed out.
Then pump pond water over from my pond. So the fish I put in will be used to same water. Same temperatures as well . Give it a couple of days then take the heat up 1 degree at a 24 hour period. That's it folks
Done the drainage pipe today drilled a few holes
Drain pipe from easy pod to filter house
Under and through the wall


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Into my main draine pipe in filter house
Went round the back of my nexus
And it is goint to be put into my main drain pipe with 1 1/2 inch t piece step hose tails.

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PP the k1 media to take protection coating off. Give it a few months start.
I will leave it over night for 24 hours. When it is pink. Purple. It is working. It goes tea brown colour when dead. To kill it i will add ST to it. Then give it a real good clean and rinse down.

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Today i set the air pump up and put plugs on air and pump both came with 2 pin plugs. Change them to 3 pin
Also plumbed the nexus. Easy pod and ultra sieve to drain

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T pieced them in and used hose tail steps to join 40mm outer diameter.
Air now set up also air manifold for the ring dome on bottom drain
Tomorrow fill it up with fresh water. Then dump this. That will ckean it outThen
use some of my pond water. As final fill up.

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By the way ian. I didnt end with that figure mate. That was number was the start figure mate. Thats been on for water changes to my main pond. The total in the qt tank was 2123 lts mate.

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Went fishing yesterday caught five tiddlers
There in there to mature the filters
Plus grow a little
I started of with tap water. Filled it up then dumped that. So i also new my meter reading. Also cleaned it out.
Then i filled with my pond water. So the fish are used to that water.
Then once the fish where in the tempreture was 7.2. Its now 11.8c
Started to feed now.

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Bought this mechanical timer for my tank light with day and night bulbs. Set it to turn on at 0530am
And turn of at 2200 pm hrs. Reason for this. so the fish think it is summer hours. They will eat more.
All the best fred
End of the QT Build.

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