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Journal Freds new pond build

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Thats it until tomorrow. Filter media thats to be used . Also the PP chemical is to disinfect the K1 media that is going in the easy pod. My plan is to take same amount from my pond nexus and replace in the nexus with the new. By PP speeds it up to mature by about half the time.
Its also a parasites treatment pp means parasite permanganate
Use it to disinfect nets and anything that has had infections.
Thats it folks for today

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Todays work. Plumbing all done and glued in.
Water butts drilled out for tank connecters
More to come

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Water butt to water butt.
Bottom drain to easy pod gravity fed7e126cff94c3c2cb2baf0745d6b0df1b.jpg
Exit from easy pod to water butt.
Another angel
More to come

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Fom 2nd water butt to pump

Thats it for today folks. Tomorrow my electrician is coming to fit 2x double sockets. And 2x stip lights.one a shed light and the second to go above the tank.
With night and day bulbs in.
London dragon thanks
All the best fred

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Ian m cheers pal the fiber glassing is now starting monday. As my electrician could nt make it yesterday. Coming today. So glassing now monday. I could of bought a mould tank for half the price. But i like this idea better. If i had bought a mould tank. I would of had to rebuild the front of the shed to fit it through. So it was six of one. Half a dozen of the other. Plus this setup is tried and tested all the best fred

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Haha nice one i bet it is. If not mixed right probably take your skin off. Can imagine you with your feet in bowl of pink fluid. And waiting for it to run its course. Ha ha.
Couple of photos of the 100lt Butts . Pipe work glued in
Thats the plumbing finished just the return end pipe. Into tank. Have to wait until glassing done. To finish that.

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Electric s now installed

The tank light is day and night light. The entry light is normal light.

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The most beautiful contrast in this journal from an epic pond build is, the picture from that tiny inflateable hot tub/wirlpool. :clap:
Cant wait for the summer and seeing a pic of that with you in it smocking a big sigar and a bottle of champagne next to the pond. :lol:

One word, biblical! "True happines can only be acheived by doing more for others than you do for yourself".
Quick tip! (lol)
Permanganate is great for curing smelly feet........ How do I know?........ Not telling! :wave:
Haha nice one i bet it is. If not mixed right probably take your skin off. Can imagine you with your feet in bowl of pink fluid. And waiting for it to run its course. Ha ha.

It also saves on buying socks!..... Just as long as your into purple ones! 😉
Cheers zozo. Love the wording. My wife and her sistets where in the tub. Night before last. Be summer for me mate haha
Cheers kipper. Haha. Yeah mate purple feer. Its like a bleach i believe. Would nt like to yry it myself though.
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Started glassing yesterday
Today was sanding down and flowcoat. Means topcoat.

All gear been cut to size beforehand
Here is resin and catalyst to be used.

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Shaun laying first sheet. I am mixer. Fiber mat size 450.2x layers

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All walls now had 2 sheets on
After a good sand down we put a 3rd coat down on floor

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Thats the fiber glassing now completed. Tomorrow going to run drainage system to my filter drains. Put a couple of t pieces in
Dill holes for 1 1/2 inch ribbed tubing
Thanks for watching all the best fred
also a massive thanks to shaun.

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