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Journal Freds new pond build

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the koi also is meant to bring luck and happiness to japan folk. they where originally from china i only learnt that today. anytime mate all the best fred
Now you mentioned it. never looked it up.. Always took it for granted and always thought it was part of an ancient japanese tradition.. Hence have seen some Koi Tattoos swimming around.. Also that give the impression its an ancient symbolisme. Never knew it is still such a modern tradition.. That's what i mean actualy with the japanese way, if they take up something it is with heart and soul and naturaly traditionalized into a phylosopy, like aquascaping.

Kokoro no yoridokoro..

like your pond is. 🙂
managed to catch the poorly fish which had an ulcer through banging its self
this is the medication i used on the fish. cloves for tooth ache this knocked it out
ten drops per gallon or 5 litres of water. then tcp to clean and kill bacteria . then propolis
to seal skin like a bees wax.
fish before i caught it. right job i had there took two and ahalf days to net it
notice hole and red swelling
cloves in the water ten drops per gallon. waiting 5 minutes to put it to sleep took eight
more to follow
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still waiting for sleep noticed wound on right side
fish now asleep now i have five miutes to work. before it awakens see the hole
and swelling
laid on a wet towel tcp now and sealant coat to follow i had to put tcp just a little further past all the red swelling and the propolis. wax the same.
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now the rcovery waited about 10 minutes for it to recover then let the fish go
there it is in foreground. fully recovered
looks good
fingers crossed 50 50 now. it stated to batter it s self againt the bottom drain to get
the medication off. my new title is doctor fred ha ha. just watch it now all the very best fred
Nice job Dr Fred.. :thumbup:.. That clover stuff, is this for random fish of any weight?
my mate gave me the advice Marcel it don t matter what the size is. it was supposed to knock it out in five minutes
he told me go up to 10 minutes maximum. or it could kill it. i went eight minutes. i will put another drop or two next time.
my mate lee did it on a 10 or 11 lbs pound mirror carp. so i reckon any size yes. i had to put cloves drops in a bottle with a bit of pond water
gave it a vigorous shake. then add it to koi bowl and stir well. the only down side is you have got to do your treatment in five minutes.
so your always clock watching. for they come round after five minutes. then drop it in pond in net to recover. for 10 minutes. then when its looking okay let it go.
hope this helps mate. best doctor fred ha ha :wave:😉:clap: just have to keep an eye on it now 18 years and first fish i have had to vet. always a first time i suppose
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It's btw not Clover but Clove oil 🙂 that's the same as Darrel linked to a while back to euthanize a sick fish beyond help. Depending on dosage it can be use for both..
I wrote clove. It's that spell thing in the iPad it put s it s own words in if you ain't looking. Never seen the thread on Darrels. I use it for tooth ache . The dose I put in. If you leave it longer then ten minutes. Dead. I also use it for fish now. Ha ha. All the best Fred
Hahaha, yes i know those autocorrect fault spel checkers or rather spoilers.. And i was looking for clover to sedate fish couldn't find much. Then i remembered that thread on euthanize fish, where Darrel tipped on Clove Oil.. Anyway thanks for posting your operations Dr Fred.. Again learned something new.. Only knew that stuff from the Marathon Man movie.. The scene where he was tortured by Der Weisse Engel dentist of death.. :nailbiting::nurse:

Only knew that stuff from the Marathon Man movie.. The scene where he was tortured by Der Weisse Engel dentist of death.. :nailbiting::nurse:
Brilliant film. I didn't watch the clip as just thinking about it makes me suck my teeth and wince!😱😱😱
Brilliant film. I didn't watch the clip as just thinking about it makes me suck my teeth and wince!😱😱😱
I did for me too, saw that movie maybe over 30 years ago as a early teen, but never forgot this scene and that little bottle of clove oil.
Hi all,
Depending on dosage it can be use for both..
It can be, I wouldn't use it on small fish as an anaesthetic. It should be noted that Clove Oil isn't <"approved for veterinary use">. The "euthanasia" thread <"is here">.

It is a pretty effective <"antimicrobial"> (due to the eugenol content).
Adocortyl in Orabase is available again in the UK (for medical use).

cheers Darrel

To late mate jobs done. Fish is saved and swimming like a good un. Had to act quick. Good or bad it saved it s life.
Had nothing to put it to sleep on hand. It would have died . So all I can say is good old cloves . Thanks for the info. On another site someone mentioned they chuckled about the tcp . Yet it is what us humans use for cuts. It works on fish to.
All the best Fred.
Now that's what I call a pond, what a beauty, I live in Hull and I think I know where you are, I will have to try and take a peek over the wall next time I'm going past, pond jealousy lol, great job Fred, All the best Mark.
cheers mark have you got a pond mate. if so. what set up and pond dimensions. and where in hull are you staying. east hull myself.
most of the lads use extreme koi http://www.koiforum.uk/pond-construction-pond-build-diaries/16530-freds-pond-build.html
here s the website mate. afew lads building ponds on there right now. also lee 63. and jim live bilton. shaun preston road. where all on there mate proper koi site.
i came on here to put journal on for people to learn of the build. and i have made a few friends along the way. wanted to know and learn about upper pond bog filter.
don t bother with looking over wall. knock and if where in. you can have a look. if you have pond. some photos please. all the best fred
Hi Fred, yes I have a pond only a small fibre glass one I inherited 17 years ago when my Dad passed away, still got the original goldfish, rudd, tench and a few carp, nothing fancy but I love it, I'm also East Hull, so will deffo give you a knock when passing, cheers Mark.
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