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Journal Freds new pond build

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Yes mort very good spot mate. The plastic strip for the infinity window mate. I had it on. But I did not like it.
To my vision it did not give it the same affect. So I went back to the glass look. Plus I can clean the top 1/2 inch at top so skimmer can suck. When I feed the fish it can gather there mate. And I want to be able to see all the crap. So as not to grow wrong bacteria.and it is hid inside the strip.

Also yes your spot on with the plants mate.some are to deep. Some say they are to deep for that type of plant. The instructions. Take the ferns mate. I have lost a few. In to deep of water. But I have also grown some as well. In my old pond. So I am taking a chance with them pal. Bulrushes I have grown at 4feet depth. Same again lost some won some. Lily s same. I don't like to see pots sticking out the water so will again take the chance.thats why I have them in baskets mort.take out replace if need be, hope this answere s your point s mate. Good spot. The depth mort is 2 1/2 feet. All the best Fred
That last picture says it all.. 🙂 Satisfied faces looking at well achieved finnished project. Respect for the guys who pulled this off, they have all the reason to be proud of their job.. Realy enjoyed this making off journal from day one. This is one marvelous dream pond.. :clap:
Yes mort very good spot mate. The plastic strip for the infinity window mate. I had it on. But I did not like it.
To my vision it did not give it the same affect. So I went back to the glass look. Plus I can clean the top 1/2 inch at top so skimmer can suck. When I feed the fish it can gather there mate. And I want to be able to see all the crap. So as not to grow wrong bacteria.and it is hid inside the strip.

Also yes your spot on with the plants mate.some are to deep. Some say they are to deep for that type of plant. The instructions. Take the ferns mate. I have lost a few. In to deep of water. But I have also grown some as well. In my old pond. So I am taking a chance with them pal. Bulrushes I have grown at 4feet depth. Same again lost some won some. Lily s same. I don't like to see pots sticking out the water so will again take the chance.thats why I have them in baskets mort.take out replace if need be, hope this answere s your point s mate. Good spot. The depth mort is 2 1/2 feet. All the best Fred

I thought you would have known what you were doing but thought I'd make sure just in case. With the quality of the build it's hard to catch you out🙂

Do you happen to know which species of fern you have? Common name will do. I looking for something to go round the edge of my pond (not even a puddle compared to yours).
Mort put some pictures up mate. Love looking at other people s ponds. It don t matter what the look or ponds like so long as your happy the fish are happy. That's what it is all about. I know people with ponds 3 times better then my pond.foxfish built them for a hundred thousand plus. The people I know with better looking ponds. They have loads of problems.i lost one fish in 15 year and that was my own fault. And my old pond cost me next to nothing. Basic stuff. The place I bought my plants was at lilies water gardens on line. Www.lilieswatergardens.co.uk. I got iris. Lilies bulrushes ferns got some purple looking ferns. I don t know the names of them mate. Could nt even spell names.ha ha. I will take pictures for you best Fred
Mort when it comes to plants I have not got a clue. That's the first reason I joined this forum. To ask about plants.Now pond construction and filteration wise I know what's what mate.thats my forte. Foxfish knows his stuff.you need to know anything if I cannot help ask him mate. Then there is so zozo marcel.he knows his plants so talk to him mate on plants
:nailbiting::peeking:🙄 I was asking myself the same question yesterday.. "Which ferns would Fred have bought??" :lol: Cause i'm a huge fern fan, but definitely not tried them all and even managed to kill a few.. Fern identification is rather a specialty in which you need to be very well trained or go by the book and still i burn my fingers sometimes. I rather give the stick to someone else for that. 🙂
Mine has only been going for just over a week. Finally got fed up with the buttercups in the lawn so dug it up. It's a wildlife pond and if one your fish was snuffling on the bottom, they would definitely be sticking out of the water at the top. I'll get a thread sorted but I didn't take any pics through construction. I also know the site you got plants from, it's where I got mine as well.
Ok mort. The lilies have really grown in a few days. A few inchesand the bulrushes too. Normally if fish are just layer on bottom Jason . It's a sign there usually stressed. No worries mate on pond pictures. The ferns are now still ok.
Best Fred
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Sorry Fred I meant if one of your koi was vertical in my pond, half of it would be sticking out the top as its only 20 inches deep at most. That's why its just for wildlife and not fish. Good news on your plants though.
Cheer s mort. Ha ha misunderstood you mate. Because it s so shallow . We will see with plants I aint used any soil. Just gravel sones.let them feed of neutron s in the water.done a few like this. Bedt fted
Ive been following this thread from the beginning Fred, now its finished i have to say how impressive the whole project was with the finished article looking mint.
I hope you keep us updated from time to time, see the plants and fish develop as well as how the long term maintenance of all the kit has been.

What a great journey. Thanks Fred 🙂
Cheers Ian and London dragon and all the other people who liked. Yes it's there lads pond wise but not garden wise .still got gate to go on filter house.float to put in nexus, more lights to install around garden.. Summer house to buy and build. Remember the base is already there. Hot tub to install remote and sensers to install. Still lot s to do.
And yes Ian I will stay in touch. I the journal has been a pleasure mate. But it ain't finished yet. All the best Fred.:thumbup:
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zozo and mort here is photos of some of plante in upper pond bog filter



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Hi all,
Do you happen to know which species of fern you have? Common name will do. I looking for something to go round the edge of my pond (not even a puddle compared to yours).
There aren't really any <"hardy ferns that will grow submerged">. Your best bet (for a constantly wet site) are Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis), Shuttlecock Fern (Matteucia struthiopteris), Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris) and Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina).

Marsh Fern isn't widely for sale, but the other three are. Lady Fern you should be able to find at most garden centres etc.

Some horse-tails will grow in water, Water Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) is fool-proof, but a very good grower. Dutch Rush (Equisetum hymale) is better behaved, but needs shallower water.

Royal Fern naturally grows on acid soils, but is fine with limy soils. I've got it growing out of the limestone terrace of my pond.

cheers Darrel
Hi Fred, I have been away a while and just caught up on the last few weeks of your pond build. Looks fantastic! Hope you keep updating us with its developments over time 🙂
Hello wisely thought you had dun a runner mate. Nice to hear from you pal. Has it come up to standard mate I ain't finished with this thread mate I still have loads to do yet so watch this space summer house hot tub. Planting. Electrics the list goes on.ha ha. Take care mate all the best Fred
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