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Journal Freds new pond build

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Hello wisely thought you had dun a runner mate. Nice to hear from you pal. Has it come up to standard mate I ain't finished with this thread mate I still have loads to do yet so watch this space summer house hot tub. Planting. Electrics the list goes on.ha ha. Take care mate all the best Fred

Yeah, been a bit of a strange time to be honest. Lost my job back in early May and as you will know yourself, Aberdeen is not a good place to be looking for a job right now. We have decided to move away as I can't find anything here. We will be relocating later in the year after our wedding. My aquarium will be getting taken down as soon as I manage to rehome the livestock, need to sell pretty much everything as all my gear is 230 volts and we are moving to the USA. I'll still be on the forums though and will keep watching your thread 🙂
Sorry to hear that pal. About the work mate. This country is finished. But I like your backbone. Your moving to find work. Good on you mate. It takes guts to do that pal. And good that your having a wedding coming up mate. How does she feel about moving to the USA .remember she has to make new friends. That's why a lot of people come back mate. You also built a tank up once mate. You can rebuild it anywhere. Just find a good home for it. Glad you like the build pal.and keep your chin up mate. This country is finished. Not great Briton any more mate. As an industrial country. Politicians I have blahblahblahblah them.they have run this country down. And I am proud to be British. Any way pal have a great time with your wedding. And stay in touch. Take care Fred
Sorry to hear that pal. About the work mate. This country is finished. But I like your backbone. Your moving to find work. Good on you mate. It takes guts to do that pal. And good that your having a wedding coming up mate. How does she feel about moving to the USA .remember she has to make new friends. That's why a lot of people come back mate. You also built a tank up once mate. You can rebuild it anywhere. Just find a good home for it. Glad you like the build pal.and keep your chin up mate. This country is finished. Not great Briton any more mate. As an industrial country. Politicians I have blahblahblahblah them.they have run this country down. And I am proud to be British. Any way pal have a great time with your wedding. And stay in touch. Take care Fred

My other half is from the US, so for her she's going home. I'm looking forward to the move, have moved around a lot in my life so I'm kinda used to going somewhere new and starting again.
Fred although not having a pond just to say how much have looked forward to its story and creation over the weeks and part of my week as been watching the thread.
Aahh well mate you have cracked it her coming from the usa.i hope you have a happy life the pair of you.stay in touch wisey best fred
Paraguay thanks mate lts been a pleasure mate. You want storys like this mate go to a site called extreme koi. There building all the time. I have done a blog on there as well.its all about koi keeping and building of ponds. Brill site. I aint finished yet mate. There is still a bit to do. And I will stay in touch on development and maintenance. Plus my plants. Best fred
Cheers troi got there in the end. The plumbing of the garden hose s hozle lock with copper pipe and fittings nephew is a plumber. To the drum and declorinator. Take me time with that though.so long as it s done for winter. Dont effect the pond in anyway.all goes to waste drain.still got summer house and shed to do yet .anyway mate thanks for reply best fred
Cheers troi.had a few koi members round from clubs. All who have large ponds
They all said the photo s don t do it justice. And they loved my filteration setup. They actually wrote it on extreme kol. Got a buzz out of that. Not in a big headed way. But building it right . kind of way. Because some of these guys are the business in the koi world. Like some of you guys with aquarium s and plants.
Some of there builds. Jesus mine is a puddle compared to some of them. So total respect. I have learned lot s of these guys. My Lily's have grown 2 inches. Same with bulrushes. So coming on haha. Ferns are all still nice and green. Pond is getting alge in now. So all the bio is working a treat. Getting there. Best fred
Marsh Fern isn't widely for sale
The Thelypteris palustris I've not yet seen it anywhere near my place, next time i'll ask in the garden centre. 🙂 Would love to have it.

these are the ferns i had in my last pond
You mean you had them in the pond the same as the one you placed now (starting) submersed.? Then it probably is the Thelypteris palustris, as far as i know this is the only fern naturaly growing with roots permanent in the water. 🙂 No idea if other spieces can do as well, never tried.

The nicest fern for the garden are the evergreens ofcourse, a small list of options you might find
Asplenium scolopendrium
Asplenium trichomanes
Cyrtomium falcatum (needs protected spot or else wont survive, i killed it)
Cyrtomium fortunei
Dryopteris atrata
Dryopteris Affinis (my only evergreen)
Polystichum munitum (Big one)
Polypodium vulgare (Loves to grow epiphytic on wood, for example emersed bogwood above the pond)
Polystichum setiferum
Cheers troi.had a few koi members round from clubs. All who have large ponds
They all said the photo s don t do it justice. And they loved my filteration setup.
had a problem with drum. i was losing water out of pond. then i was gaining water after playing about. now its perfect.
after playing around basicly my water levels was not right.i was setting the drum at normal pond level. turns out you set it up with waste tray
which is the plastic wall the waste pipe enters thats the tee pipe . so water level has to be upto top of that tray. everyones pond is differant.
so if you look at base holding plates with nuts on them you will see holes i moved mine fro one of the bottom. and bingo sorted
i had to measure after one wash to base tray height. that green water has now gone. drum cleaned that up during night. brilliant
plus i did not lose or gain any water perfect

remote switch box under main switch board on back wall this all runs filter pump room
and summer house going for our own design. having it hand built by a carpenter. my wifes baby this part of project.
already its getting bigger. ha ha.
thats it folks updated all the best fred
Fred :thumbup:😉
Fantastic achievement.....its a testament of your patience and pond building skills plus all the DIY equipment tweaking!
Bet the neighbours where wondering what the hell was going on at first.......looks excellent!
Cheers hoggie thanks for the nice words.got there in the end mate.we told next door about the build way beforehand. For I needed to use there garden for storage.the deal was leave as we found it. Which we have. The neighbours come and stand by my pond and watch the fish. The most peple who wanted to know what was ging on where the doctors surgery. Next door.some even came back to see after build. The pictures don't do it justice. So I have been told. Take care and thanks. Fred
This looks beautiful. Please keep updating on progress as it matures!

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Inspirational project from start to finish...well done Fred:thumbup:
Indeed Troi:clap:
Yea Fred.....you will need to post some pictures :snaphappy: up of the fish....in their new home!
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