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Journal Freds new pond build

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To zozo. andy d. Ian m. Nelson. And anyone else I have forgot to thank. This has been a pleasure. Doing this blog. I thing the build will be finished friday or monday. So where nearly at the story s end. I still have to put photos on about the drum. And when the pond is all flowing. Also when the fish are in.
Also bog filter with plants. But that will take time to grow. I will stay in touch. For I have made a few friends on here. And if anyone needs helping and if I can I will help. Best fred. Can t wait to get home friday. Oooohhhh yyyeeeaaagghhhhhh
to Andy d mark and zo zo thanks a lot. get off the rig today. don t know if i will get home today. probably night in Aberdeen
can t wait best Fred
Sk3lly and nelson cheers lads

air to bottom drain connected with diffuser bigger pump on left is for nexus to keep k1 moving and boiling
for bacteria also originally for cleansing. easy been took out of nexus for drum installation
pipe work from skimmer to uv green one new pipe installed for tangible returns cemented into wall and brackets put on pipes
Level of pond water in pond about 8 inch to 1 foot to go. leak fixed
look at that view just liken the Mediterranean ha ha and the look of a fish tank which was what affect i wanted
thats it folks love it get in there
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up nice and early pissing down. Excited. Also dog kept coming to bedroom to wake me up
For walkies. Ha ha. Got home last night. And the build was better then I thought. Like all you
Lovely friendly people out there. Just seen photos until last night. Better in real time. Believe me.
Brill can't wait to get my fish in there. And everything flowing. Fred
thats me home i got the shock of my life when i walked around the garden. as you know i only seen photos
but when i saw the build in real time i was aghast with how good it really looks. i know it sounds as though i
am blowing my own trumpet here. but i was impressed. so will be bulling the boy s up with praise tomorrow.
especially . when they had to do a mr and mrs ghost job ha ha.

humped all the sand cement and stone by hand barrow and sack barrow from my front way. the doctors surgery would nt let the last load be put over my wall. bullshit about insurance. yet they have let us for four months.
probably because they can t see to be nosey ha ha. sod um they won t beat us. if i had been here i would have said get it over to the driver. phone the cops. by the time they would have got here it would have been in. what they going to do jail me. i would do a few nights in cells to get my lovely pond built. ha ha.biggrin.gifwink.giftongue.gif

the stone floor has been raised about 4 inch. so once stood on the stone the pond hight then becomes 2 foot 8 inch. sounds better then 3 feet ha ha.
i coud nt believe the difference in size with the speck badu top pump 12000 and the aqua dry 8000. Jesus it not even a quarter the size. the badu is massive compared to the aqua 8000.

nice to be back boys the pond has about 1 foot to go before it is full. three quarters up the window s all the best fredsmile.gif ps all photo s have now been enlarged

like looking at the Mediterranean

fish are in but filters not running.got to have a switchboard installed and sockets electrician never turned up air on
bottom drain running
water level rising it will be 5000 gallon


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more plumbing cannot believe how small 8000 aqua max pump is compared to badu speck 12000 pump
nearly all plumbing done tpr return from uv pipe runnind down to ground
this is what it is all about my mutts and air running out of bottom drain get in there
photo from my back bedroom see all the yellow by left wall that is the armour cable from my house switchboard
to summer house to filter house. and duel core for lights. facer boards on roof and that tube pipe is when they used for running concrete down


thats it for now folks see how the rain brings the colour out in the Indian stone slabs
ian m \london dragon\ zo zo\ andy Mc d thanks a lot for reply's and have a nice weekend. all that is working on pond is air.
no leaks pond is full. next week will be wiring up. the water has been in from halfway up.for a fortnight now. had to put the fish in the pond
they would nt eat and where laid dormant. 4 months is a long time. there flying a bout now, and they are eating like mad. and they are always coming to the
windows. they like to be nosey. all the best fred
That's realy an awsome and impresive installation.. Those windows realy give a very nice and totaly other dimension to pond live. Can't wait to see this finnished. Are you going to decorate it too?? 🙂

Carps are indeed very nosey and social fish, now you can ask, who is actualy watching who. Last year i experimented with a tank upside down above the pond, and vacuum the water in, to make some sort of skybox for the fish. They realy loved it and spend a lot of time in there, like they loved watching me as much as i loved to watch them. Great fish, pitty they are so distructive and need carefull planting.
Cheers Tim sk3lly Andy McD zozo anyone I have missed apologies
Zozo I have just bought all my plants online. Lily's but rushes iris. And different ferns
I read your article with upside down tank it was very good. Yeah mate it's like watching tv.
And like looking into an aquarium how do you mean decorate it. If you mean the planting
Then that will be upper pond only. With Lily's pads streamed into lower pond. So all baskets will be in upper pond
That's my plan anyway. When I had plants before they only went digging for roots. How are you keeping ok I hope. All the very best Fred
Fred, yes i meant planting and maybe some hardscaping large pieces driftwood and rock etc., like you would look into an aquarium with sort of a under water landscape.. But as said i know koi fish are distroyers so me too i would have no idea how to setup something like that. I have no experience with a ponds of this design and magnitude.. And how to prevent the fish from digging all up again and what plants would be suitable. But anyway a dressing up and scaping a massive aquarium like that is quite an undertaking and a complete uther chaos if it doesn't workout.. I was just wondering what you plans where for this.. 🙂

Lately i visited the pond shop, they where selling floating baskets with a variety of pond plants in it. That's maybe something to look in to.. 🙂
I have had floating baskets before mate. They still tipped them up some how. Some of my fish are near on 3 feet long. And they dive bomb the plants. Looking for insect fly type things. That get attracted to plants. So I ain't going to bother.still look good with upper pond done though.plus I want every inch of water free for the fish. I am going to add about five more in about 2 to 3 months. Once I know the water parameters are spot on. Be dearer then normal. The Windows have made them friendlier all ready. I have been stroking the chag. That's the bronze one. I will take a photo of him . And show you him. Best Fred
Zo zo this is the chag koi there the easiest to feed out your hands. Been stroking his body. Don t bother him
cheers nelson

cheers nelson thanks
zozo here is chag koi


he is realy friendly lets me strokeb him

the bronze one best fred
Wow! Beautifull animal, it's about the same color as the common wild carp.. Realy nice fish..

This also is a realy lovely picture..
It's there is glass between but don't want to cuddle them?? I would.. If i had a pond like that i think i would dive in to play with them. And i bet they do.. My goldfish do, if i stick a hand in the pond they always want to play.. Always challanging me to play catch me if you can.. 🙂 Let me touch them and swim away fast and come back for another stroke.
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