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Journal Freds new pond build

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Thanks a lot Alex yeah mate a lot of thought gone into set up. A couple of small mistakes. Like the set up I had originally planned had a balance line. I am now going to run two separate lines. Main stream and then skimmer line. So one of my pumps is to powerful. I could ball valve it down. But ain't taking a chance with not being there all time, I had a 14000 pump for one of the lines. So I am now going to run my 12000 on the main bottom drain line which is my nexus drum to upper pond. And buy a 8000 pump to take place of 14000 pump. For skimmer line to return lines in bottom of pond. I will keep the 14000 as spare.best fred
Notice the glass has been installed how they did this they put would across bricks on outside. put a ratchet on to sucker glass lifters pulled tight on ratchet and look for silicone squeezing out. and there it is stuck in and sealed. once this is dry they will put more silicone on. cheers ian nelson and andy

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There s the pump 55 watt uv and 30 watt uv. the 30 watt which is the green one that s from my old pond. a 12000 pump for main stream
nexus and drum to upper pond waterfall. my 14000. pump was to strong for skimmer line so i have bought an 8000 pump
for this. the 14000 would have sucked it dry the ultra sieve. i will just keep it as a spare and if used in an emergency use the ball valve on say
half open. until say a fix is done.

there is a closer up picture of glass and sealant it looks a little messy there but now second sealant has been
put on it is a lot neater


Lovely chubbly ha ha that s another mile stone. still to glass the other window yet. best fred
Good days work
Over the moon with todays work. Just a couple of piers to build and a couple of more row s on top. Best fred
The pond looks 100X better now the window is in. Really progressing well now. Great job Fred and a big thumbs up to your brickies/builders

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Cheers zo zo. That was good how you picked up on the sizes and thickness on that blokes thread. On the filter bucket. Well done and nice one mate. You know what your talking about. Thanks for liking. I am getting there pal. All the best Fred. Hope to have the water in next week. Get in there.
Thanks Fred.. 🙂 You kinda spoiling the fun for the neighbours.. :lol: I bet they all have been watching with aw some maybe with envy and wondering where it ends and looks when finished. And now all they get is a wall.. 🙄
yeah zozo like i have said before i live next to doctors surgery lot s of people stop and look. mainly reason i went for wall s was because fences where falling down. and council or NHS could not afford to replace them. and with me working away. i am making it very secure for my wife. which is the main reason. and the view i am doing for myself and family enjoyment. so if next door neighbors want a view. let them build there own. ha ha. selfish it sound s i know. but that s the way it is. and if my neighbor want s to come in to one of our barbecues there welcome. so are you my friend if you ever visit hull. and your right some people cannot believe the scope of the project. i mean the lighting and electrics being run is a massive scope on its own. where haveing light all round on each wall pier 2 over the pond. a long colored LED pond light behind the water of the water flow fall. switch boards in the summer house switch boards in the filter house. about 14 sockets, 7 in summer house plus ceiling light also in filter house the same. everything will be remote control from inside my house dimmers the lot. can t wait to see all that at night time. i am still away for another ten day s. i am hoping the water will be put in the pond before i get home. then give it a week and get the fish in there. all the best fred😉:clap:
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