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Journal Freds new pond build

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Cheers tim zo zo.

Some plumbing that was done today from skimmer line along upper pond wall. 3 inch pipework. inside an alcove so from outside you will not see this pipe.that will be the only pipe outside. Of filter house. And drilled through the wall. This will be skimmer line to ultra sieve 78 micron mesh.with 8000 pump to 30 watt uv to inside mid water returns It will get insolated for winter. All the best fred.
4 inch bottom drain with four inch ball valve. rip off what they cost


bit of pipe work of nexus ultra sieve alongside for skimmer. nexus of main stream bottom drain



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filter tray for upper pond lays in the bottom with gravel on top


another view of wall inside garden. plus a little work was done on filter roof but rain stopped play.
chuffed though this is what i have been waiting for. plumbing. also glass for other window was delivered today

thats all folks best fred
my garden furniture been moved back in garden and my tree s and plants plus last row of bricks on wall

More plumbing done also water has been put in pond to see for leaks. underneath infinity winddow
as only got sealed this morning. so needs a while to dry first
get in there brilliant
cheer s zo zo and Ian _m getting there some water in pond for testing plumbing
all the best fred
cheers nelson and Ian_m slowly getting closer to the big fill. nearly fell through the floor when told price of electric s i want to do on the build plus for summer house
hot tub and filter house. it s getting started on Tuesday all light s will be remote control and dimmers on all light s around the garden of the wall s and lighting pond.
also long LED light behind the water on waterfall. then it will be on to the Indian stone floor. cannot wait. should be a 2x weeks left i reckon.

all the best fred
Quite a bit of plumbing done today.also more water added. Also upper pond flow black coat applied
Water filling up to just below window. Stopping there.

Upper pond painted black with fibre glass flow coat and settleing tray inside



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Settling tray showing feet for water to flow underneath tray.
Filter house nexus and ultra sieve side by side frame been put in for door
Plumbing of 3 inch to ultra sieve and pond return from nexus to upper pond
Outlet from nexus to speck badu 12000 pump to uv 55. Then to pond.

Skimmer uv green ultra sieve
Grey 55 uv from nexus to upper pond
Air with diffuser 1 inch. From skimmer to tpr tangible returns inside bottom of pond
Bit more done on walls
That s it folks deliver y tomorrow pavers.and electrician. All the best fred cheers tim
Loving seeing all the gadgets and workings! Looking forward to seeing the fish that will grace this pond.
Ldcgroomer thanks alot. Electric cables laid today. 50 meters of armour cable laid. elec cable into walls for lights. Run into filter house. And summer house. Everyone that sent hi hello or replied thanks.
Top upper pond now filled up with water ans


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Hi andy. Yes mate we have. The cost will be just a couple of quid more a month. I had 2xpumps last pond. 2x uv last pond 2x air pumps last pond.thats another reason why I down sized the pump.from 14000 to 8000. It was to powerful. So I would have had to ball valve down. Which would have stressed the pump. Now all my valves will be fully open. Good point though mate. Best fred
Today sone pavers where laid. And we had a leak on four sided windows. I loved those photos. Ha ha.
One side of garden with pavers going down. Oh yeah.
Other side of garden

More electrical cables for lights.
More photos coming love these.
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Shaun in diving suit water was freezing.

Snorkel on for window sealant repair
Under water sealent gold seal £20.00 a tube
Repair done.watch it all day tomorrow. Thats why they hav been adding water bit by bit. When they approached the windows with water. Thats the first window that leaked on him. Weep really. Great pictures love it ha ha. Best fred.
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